The FLEGT VPA is a trade process initiated in 2010 between Cameroon and the European Union which aims to eradicate the trade in illegal timber through well-defined legality grids. Despite the efforts made by each stakeholder, this process is still not operational. This study, which took place from July 2017 to January 2018, aimed to contribute to the sustainable management of Cameroon's forests through the evaluation of the implementation of the FLEGT-VPA. To achieve this, we carried out an assessment of Annexes 7 and 9. The analysis shows that the specifications necessary to ensure the implementation of the FLEGT-VPA have been implemented at 57.77% on the basis of its Annex 9. Specifically, all 75 types of information are made public (85.54%) and well shared (82.776%). In addition, several problems were raised, notably the low rate of carrying out audits (4.76%); the low rate of implementation of the traceability system (13.06%) due to the low use of the computer system; the low promotion of FLEGT products (16.67%); the low/insufficient capacity building (40%); the low rate of issuing and promoting FLEGT permits, which are only issued to wood processing units (41.67%). In spite of all the difficulties encountered, the actors are particularly interested in its administrative agreements (80%); civil society organizations (100%); and private sector actors (88.9%) and wish for the effective implementation of the agreement. This may be possible if the legality grids and regulatory texts are revised with the support of the FAO-FLEGT projects and all stakeholders, and if SIGIF II is delivered and operational because it conditions the implementation of the key actions of the process.