Laboratoire Systémique, Biodiversité et Conservation de la Nature, Département des Sciences et Génie de l'Environnement, Faculté des Sciences de l'Université de Kinshasa, B.P 190 Kinshasa XI, RD Congo
The flora of the INERA Kiyaka Forest Reserve (National Institute of Agricultural Research and Studies of Kiyaka), covering 1,160 ha, located 75 km southeast of Kikwit town, was studied with the aim of analyzing the composition, to determine the richness, the floristic diversity and to study the ecological and phytogeographical spectra of inventoried taxa.
To do this, 52 plots of 1,250 m2 each. Thus, 6.5 ha have been delimited to make floristic inventories and to collect botanical samples.
The results obtained reveal, at the present stage, the existence of 182 infrageneric vascular units, including 178 Magnoliophyta with a high level of Magnoliopsida, ie 90% and 10% of Liliopsida. This flora is dominated by Rubiaceae, Olacaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Marantaceae, Malvaceae / Sterculioideae, Moraceae, Icacinaceae, Apocynaceae, Ochnaceae, Annonaceae, Clusiaceae, Connaraceae and Sapotaceae, while the ecological and phytogeographic spectra of this species are analyzed. florulum shows a clear prevalence of phanerophyte species from the sarcochores, mesophylls and guinea-Congolese.
The impact of the very obvious anthropogenic activities in this forest reserve, evidenced by the existence of the fallow lands caused and dominated by Chromolaena odorata induce a grassy physiognomy in extension.
The density of woods of Chaetocarpus africanus Pax, Millettia drastica Welw., Barteria nigritana Hook.f. and Gaertnera paniculata Benth. was specified by liquid method. The wood fragment of this species was taken at different hauteur of wood trunk of species studied. The data obtained was analyzed with the statistical test, in particular the ANOVA and PCA for to explain the intra-and extra variations observed. The results show the intra-and extra-significant difference.
Some ecologycal parameter of natural planting of Prioria balsamifera, Fabaceae/ Caesalpinioideae is studed in Luki and Kiyaka Reserve forest of Agronomie national Institute of Studie and Seart. The floristic inventory, allometrie measures (at dbh) of all individuals of Prioria balsamifera and somes climatic factors, e.g annual mean of rain, temperature, atmosphic humidity, physiography and soil texture are studed. This resultants indique that 194 individuals/ha at Luki and 5 individuals/ha at Kiyaka; 190 individuals stems are arranged in the 10-40 cm diameter arrange and distinguished dead of any individuals of same diameter arranging at Kiyaka Station. The space distribution of Prioria balsamifera is aggregative at Luki Station and aleatory at Kiyaka Station. This terrial area gives 1144, 77 m2 /ha at Luki Station and 6,08 m2 /ha in Kiyaka. This 10-40 cm dbh diameter, whereas all individuals of this class of diameter are remarkably absent. An estimation of aerea biomass elevate at 75,45t/ha and 37,72t/ha carbon stock with 127t/ha at Luki Station and 42,6t/ha of aerial biomass: 21,30t/ha of the carbon stocked and 71,74t/ha at Luki of carbon equivalent at Kiyaka Station.