One of the greatest reasons of the unceasing emergence of various technologies is the human's desire to continuously promote our quality of living. We want advancement because we want easier life, we want to be more efficient, we want to be more productive. And with this concept, it's just proper to make our Local Government Units as one of the major beneficiaries of technologies since lot of transactions valuable to its constituents are being done on their offices each day. As the researcher conducted a system need analysis among the Local Government Unit in Bulacan, it was found out that its municipalities are still using manual system in most of its daily operations. In particular, this study addressed the needs of the Municipal Business Permit and Licensing Inspection Office - an office in charge for the inspection of all registered businesses under the municipality. Unfortunately, the office is still implementing a manual way of scheduling their inspections and other transactions. This study aims to improve their system of performing business processes. The system can generate all the reports needed by the Business Permit officers. Rapid Application Development method was used in developing this module which allows quick development of the software in combination with methods of iterative process and rapid prototyping. The researcher conducted an evaluation and through ISO 9126, it was found out that the developed system is highly acceptable for its respondents and of course to its intended users. The implications of the results yields better scheduling, tracking, recording and accessing of business inspections which deem important in promoting office productivity.