Volume 25, Issue 4, March 2019, Pages 1277–1284
Kasereka Mulimaposo Sero-Man1, Duandro Duzorot Jean-Dominique2, Delphin Bitangi Bwatunda3, Paluku Muli Adam4, Kasereka Kombi Vital5, Paluku Malali Justinier6, and Kahindo Kabandauli André7
1 Chef de Travaux, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Oicha, RD Congo
2 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
3 Assistant, ISP-Mahagi, RD Congo
4 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
5 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
6 Assitant, ISC-Beni, RD Congo
7 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Education is fundamental in the life and development of the human being. Man as a social being is compeled to live in community, and education is a key element for his human and social development. Given the importance accorded to our subject and its effort in the communication world, Internet is a means likely to facilitate interconnexion among pupils and the rest of the world in order to facilitate their scientific exchanges but also to widen their relations. This work does not only focus on scientific purpose, but it also enables us to suggest to the DRC government some recommendations in order to regulate communication on Internet and social media, especially when used by adolescents.
Author Keywords: Mobile Internet, Education, Student, Terminal Degree, Rural Municipality.
Kasereka Mulimaposo Sero-Man1, Duandro Duzorot Jean-Dominique2, Delphin Bitangi Bwatunda3, Paluku Muli Adam4, Kasereka Kombi Vital5, Paluku Malali Justinier6, and Kahindo Kabandauli André7
1 Chef de Travaux, Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Oicha, RD Congo
2 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
3 Assistant, ISP-Mahagi, RD Congo
4 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
5 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
6 Assitant, ISC-Beni, RD Congo
7 Assistant, ISP-Oicha, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Education is fundamental in the life and development of the human being. Man as a social being is compeled to live in community, and education is a key element for his human and social development. Given the importance accorded to our subject and its effort in the communication world, Internet is a means likely to facilitate interconnexion among pupils and the rest of the world in order to facilitate their scientific exchanges but also to widen their relations. This work does not only focus on scientific purpose, but it also enables us to suggest to the DRC government some recommendations in order to regulate communication on Internet and social media, especially when used by adolescents.
Author Keywords: Mobile Internet, Education, Student, Terminal Degree, Rural Municipality.
Abstract: (french)
L’éducation est fondamentale à la vie et au développement de l’être humain. Or, l’homme est appelé à vivre en société puisqu’en lui déjà est inscrit le social. L’éducation est un élément moteur du développement humain et social. Vu l’importance que nous accordons à notre sujet et aussi son effort dans le monde de communication ; l’Internet est un moyen pouvant faciliter une interconnexion entre élèves et le reste du monde en vue de leur faciliter les échanges les conduisant à se cultiver scientifiquement mais aussi élargir leur lien de relation avec les autres. Ce travail ne s’inscrit pas seulement dans le cadre scientifique où nous visons plus à initier nos jeunes élèves à orienter autrement la manière d’utilisation du réseau Internet donc plus dans l’exploitation scientifique. En outre, il permet de faire des recommandations à l’Etat Congolais de bien veiller à la réglementation de la communication sur ce réseau internet et les réseaux sociaux, surtout lorsqu’il est utilisé par les adolescents.
Author Keywords: Internet mobile, éducation, élève, degré terminal, commune rurale.
How to Cite this Article
Kasereka Mulimaposo Sero-Man, Duandro Duzorot Jean-Dominique, Delphin Bitangi Bwatunda, Paluku Muli Adam, Kasereka Kombi Vital, Paluku Malali Justinier, and Kahindo Kabandauli André, “Influence de l’Internet mobile sur l’éducation des élèves du degré terminal en commune rurale d’Oicha (Nord-Kivu / RD Congo),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 1277–1284, March 2019.