International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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The traditional medersa in Morocco: From the form to the new reform

[ La medersa traditionnelle au Maroc: De la forme à la nouvelle réforme ]

Volume 31, Issue 2, December 2020, Pages 267–276

 The traditional medersa in Morocco: From the form to the new reform

Rachid El Alaoui1

1 Doctorant en RIIDCH, Université Mohammed V, Faculté des Sciences de l’Education, Rabat, Morocco

Original language: French

Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Traditional Moroccan education is a type of education that is completely different from modern education. It has its own purposes and main objectives, the content and teaching methods make this type of teaching very specific. Traditional Moroccan education and particularly the traditional Moroccan medersa - which represents the main traditional educational establishment within this educational system - had known several reforms since the establishment of this type of education in Morocco. In this article we will then study the latest reform 13-01 which has profoundly modified the nature and function of this type of education, consequently we are going to explain its big repercussions as well as its limits.

Author Keywords: Alawite dynasty, Islam, law 13-01, reform, teaching Attik.

Abstract: (french)

L’enseignement traditionnel marocain est un type d’enseignement qui se distingue complètement de l’enseignement moderne. Puisqu’il dispose de ses propres finalités et de ses principaux objectifs, ainsi que ses contenus et ses méthodes d’enseignement qui rendent ce type d’enseignement très spécifique. L’enseignement traditionnel marocain et notamment la medersa traditionnelle marocaine - qui représente en effet le principal établissement d’enseignement traditionnel au sein de ce système éducatif - a subi plusieurs réformes et différentes refontes depuis l’établissement de ce type d’enseignement au Maroc. Dans cet article on va alors étudier la dernière réforme 13-01 qui a modifié en profondeur la nature et la fonction de ce type d’enseignement, en explicitant par ricochet ses grandes répercussions ainsi que ses limites particulières.

Author Keywords: Dynastie alaouite, enseignement Attik, Islam, loi 13-01, réforme.

How to Cite this Article

Rachid El Alaoui, “The traditional medersa in Morocco: From the form to the new reform,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 267–276, December 2020.