[ Relevé des facteurs de motivation de la consommation de la boisson alcoolique par les jeunes de 18 à 35 ans: Cas de la cité de Gemena (RDC 2020-2021) ]
Volume 38, Issue 1, November 2022, Pages 51–55
Chérubin Sangi Kelamose1 and Daniel Matili Widobana2
1 Chef de Travaux, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
2 Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
At the end of this study entitled « Survey of motivational factors for the consumption of alcoholic beverages by young people aged 18 to 35: Case of the city of Gemena » from 2020-2022, the main objective of which was to detect the motives that encourage young people to drink alcohol. We have made assumptions that: 1) Alcohol calms and makes you forget the worry. 2) Alcohol gives pleasure. 3) Alcohol is an appetizer for the meal. 4) Alcohol is a tonic. 5) Alcohol increases sexual desire. In order to collect information from consumers, we used the technique of data collection by the interview guide is that we arrived at 200 consumers as the size of our sample; by the sampling technique; a probabilistic with two degrees in particular: by convenience: which determined the choice of the consumers interviewed in the various districts which cover the city of Gemena; by quota: who distributed the number of consumers by district. After interpreting and discussing our results, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Alcohol calms and makes you forget the worry: 65% or 130 consumers confirmed our hypothesis. 2) 77.5% or 145 consumers confirmed that alcohol gives pleasure. 3) 60% or 120 say that alcohol is an aperitif for the meal. 4) 56.5% or 177 consumers say that alcohol is a tonic. 5) 94% or 188 consumers said that alcohol increases sexual desire. By all of our results sufficiently proves and confirms our hypotheses.
Author Keywords: Motivational factors, consumption, alcoholic drink, young people.
Volume 38, Issue 1, November 2022, Pages 51–55
Chérubin Sangi Kelamose1 and Daniel Matili Widobana2
1 Chef de Travaux, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
2 Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
At the end of this study entitled « Survey of motivational factors for the consumption of alcoholic beverages by young people aged 18 to 35: Case of the city of Gemena » from 2020-2022, the main objective of which was to detect the motives that encourage young people to drink alcohol. We have made assumptions that: 1) Alcohol calms and makes you forget the worry. 2) Alcohol gives pleasure. 3) Alcohol is an appetizer for the meal. 4) Alcohol is a tonic. 5) Alcohol increases sexual desire. In order to collect information from consumers, we used the technique of data collection by the interview guide is that we arrived at 200 consumers as the size of our sample; by the sampling technique; a probabilistic with two degrees in particular: by convenience: which determined the choice of the consumers interviewed in the various districts which cover the city of Gemena; by quota: who distributed the number of consumers by district. After interpreting and discussing our results, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) Alcohol calms and makes you forget the worry: 65% or 130 consumers confirmed our hypothesis. 2) 77.5% or 145 consumers confirmed that alcohol gives pleasure. 3) 60% or 120 say that alcohol is an aperitif for the meal. 4) 56.5% or 177 consumers say that alcohol is a tonic. 5) 94% or 188 consumers said that alcohol increases sexual desire. By all of our results sufficiently proves and confirms our hypotheses.
Author Keywords: Motivational factors, consumption, alcoholic drink, young people.
Abstract: (french)
Au terme de cette étude intitulée « Relevé des facteurs de motivation de la consommation de la boisson alcoolique par les jeunes de 18 à 35 ans: Cas de la cité de Gemena » de 2020-2022 dont l’objectif principal était de déceler les mobiles qui poussent les jeunes à la consommation de l’alcool. Nous avons émis des hypothèses selon lesquels: 1) L’alcool calme et fait oublier le souci. 2) L’alcool donne le plaisir. 3) L’alcool est un apéritif pour le repas. 4) L’alcool est un fortifiant. 5) L’alcool augmente le désir sexuel. De manière à récolter les informations auprès des consommateurs, nous avons usés de la technique de collectes des données par l’interview guide est qu’on est arrivé à 200 consommateurs comme taille de notre échantillon; par la technique d’échantillonnage; un probabiliste à deux degrés notamment: par convenance: qui a déterminé le choix des consommateurs interviewés dans les différents quartiers qui couvrent la cité de Gemena; par quota: qui a répartie le nombre des consommateurs par quartier. Après avoir interprété et discuté nos résultats, les conclusions suivantes sont tirées: 1) L’alcool calme et fait oublier le souci: 65% soit 130 consommateurs ont confirmé notre hypothèse. 2) 77,5% soit 145 consommateurs ont confirmé que l’alcool donne le plaisir. 3) 60% soit 120 affirment que l’alcool est un apéritif pour le repas. 4) 56,5% soit 177 consommateurs affirment que l’alcool est un fortifiant. 5) 94% soit 188 consommateurs ont affirmé que l’alcool augmente le désir sexuel. Par l’ensemble de nos résultats prouve à suffisance et confirme nos hypothèses émis.
Author Keywords: Facteurs de motivation, consommation, boisson alcoolique, jeunes.
How to Cite this Article
Chérubin Sangi Kelamose and Daniel Matili Widobana, “Survey of motivational factors for the consumption of alcoholic beverages by young people aged 18 to 35: Case of the city of Gemena (DRC 2020-2021),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 51–55, November 2022.