The Democratic Republic of Congo is among the last ten countries with regard to malnutrition. This situation concerns also Lualaba Province. This plague calls the attention of many since the potentiality of this country in terms of arable lands, agricultural programmes as well as texts already produced in the agricultural sector. Public power, agronomists, agriculturalists, NOGS, researchers, companies of transformation, communicators, etc should all them have a particular look on this matter.
It is from the communication point of view given the crisis that this research work intervenes in the agricultural domaine. Trying to suggest a communication strategy would allow all participants to know what to do in order to boost provincial agriculture, more particularly that of Kolwezi and its neighbourhood. Here with Thierry Libaert and his peers, the following steps are to be followed: a) identify the target of communication, b) formulate objectives of communication in the agricultural sector, c) construct the message, d) establish the budget of communication, e) choose the canals of communication, f) evaluate actions of communication.