Background: Prostate cancer is worldwide distributed and the most killer cancer of all diagnosed cancer cases among males. The situation in Ghana is not different, hence the need to determine the most appropriate preventive measures to curb this menace. Purpose: This review seeks to assess the use phytochemicals to prevent development of prostate cancer in Ghana.
Method: Systematic literature review uses to search for review and research articles in PubMed and ScienceDirect databases. The research was restricted to January 2002 to December 2019 for open access review and research articles.
Principal Result: It revealed that, prostate cancer is the most diagnosed cancer among adult males in Ghana as documented globally. Poverty and poor health seeking behavior inhibit early detection of treatment. Plant foods and use of diet to prevent prostate cancer was researched as done in other countries, for recommendation. Cruciferous, Isoflavones and Lycopene phytochemicals have been established by this review that, their metabolic mechanism is prevent the growth of prostate cancer.
Conclusion: Globally, it is established that, prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among male adults. However, research has shown that apart from chemotherapy and hormonal therapies, dietary fibers are critical in prevention of prostate cancer. Awareness creation about the use of phytochemicals like cruciferous, Isoflavones, lycopene and others plant foods curbing prostate cancer should be made in Ghana.
Background: over 240 million of people are chronic hepatitis B carriers globally, acquired basically through vertical transmission. The infection is proportionally represented in all continent across the global. Purpose: The aim of this study is to systematically review articles to identify the most effective preventive measure to curb perinatal transmission of hepatitis B.
Methods: A systematic search was done in PubMed and Science Direct for review and research articles with keywords used in this review. The research was restricted to January 2016 to December 2019 for open access review and research articles. I also searched for bibliographies for original research and studies
Principal Results: Perinatal transmission hepatitis B is the main cause of chronic hepatitis B. Interventions like routine vaccination Hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine, combination of HBV vaccine and Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin, Antiviral therapy, and route of delivery (cesarean section and vaginal) has significantly influence in transmission of Hepatitis B to newborns. The combined interventions enumerated in World Health Organization (WHO) Health Strategy for curbing viral hepatitis is the ideal way to eliminate the disease by 2030
Major Conclusion: Identified preventive measure for curbing the spread of mother-to child transmission of Hepatitis B, singly not efficacious enough to eliminate the infection. Challenges identified in each implementation is solved with combination of two or more strategies put together. This is in agreement with WHO global health strategy 2030, for preventing viral hepatitis. More so, there is the need to identify the most effective preventive measure using meta-analysis.