Polymeric phosphates in detergents are used widely in construction and hence have a significant concentration in the wastewater. Phosphate may result in sewage and industrial waste is waste from the body. Phosphate caused a rapid growth of aquatic plants such as algae and it is disturbing factor in the treatment processes. For example, concentrations in the range ppm 2/0 in order to reduce the turbidity of water contract will play the role of the intruder. Nitrogen gas (N2) and the primary component of natural gas and the atmosphere is extremely stable. Nitrogen is a component of proteins. Chlorophyll and Nitrogen also is found in many biological compounds. Nitrate fertilizers polluting groundwater and surface water sources are in nature. Presentation of the nitrate concentration in milligrams per liter (Mg NO3L) or milligrams per liter nitrogen as nitrate (Mg NO3-NL) has caused many problems and errors. There is no significant difference between the two units. The combination of infection for humans in Europe the nitrate directive committee row is non-toxic compounds. This paper examines the effects of phosphate and nitrate in the plant in ShahinShahr Use of water, steam Oil Refinery reviewed and analyzed and the results are listed at the end.