In the time of overloaded online information, automatic text summarization is especially demanded for salient information retrieval from huge amount electronic text. For the blessing of World Wide Web, the mass of data is now enormous in its volume. Researchers realized this fact from various aspects and tried to generate an automatic abstract of the gigantic body of data from the commencement of the last half century. Numerous ways are there for characterizing different approaches to passage recapitulation: extractive and abstractive from single or compound document, objective of content abridgement, characteristic of text summarization, level of processing from superficial to profound and sort of article's content. A significant pr
For the blessing of World Wide Web, the corpus of online information is gigantic in its volume. Search engines have been developed such as Google, AltaVista, Yahoo, etc., to retrieve specific information from this huge amount of data. But the outcome of search engine is unable to provide expected result as the quantity of information is increasing enormously day by day and the findings are abundant. So, the automatic text summarization is demanded for salient information retrieval. Automatic text summarization is a system of summarizing text by computer where a text is given to the computer as input and the output is a shorter and less redundant form of the original text. An informative pr