The objective of this article is to analyze the management system integration advantages (quality, safety, environment, ...) in Moroccan companies doubling or tripling certified (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ...). The study was conducted through an empirical survey of 50 Moroccan companies; overall management of the system, a synergy between the different management areas, a stakeholder satisfaction, efficiency or even organizational efficiency, cost optimization and competitive advantage are all benefits from the integration of management systems in the Moroccan companies. The counting of the questionnaire was administered with the Principal Component Analysis method (PCA). The investigation to uncover the benefits of integration management systems for the Moroccan companies, it has responded to the issues raised by this publication.
The objective of this paper is to analyze the levels of integration management systems (Quality, safety, environment, ...). The study was conducted through an empirical survey administered online from 50 doubling or tripling Moroccan companies certified ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, etc. Levels of integration were first studied in relation to the order of implementation management systems and depending on the number of certificates held by each company. The results show that the level of integration of management systems is higher when the company adopts an integrated management system directly from the first move by against those implemented management systems sequentially months have high levels of integration. Companies that are doubly certified have higher levels of integration than those certified triple. The investigation to uncover the levels of integration of management systems with the Moroccan companies, it has responded to the issues raised by this publication.
The quality management, safety and environment (QSE) is developing more in companies seeking to improve their economic and financial performance, taking into account the health and safety aspects and protection the natural environment. Based on an extensive literature search and cross on the topic of integrated management, where different models, strategies and integration techniques were highlighted, we found limitations and constraints in the implementation of these tools on field. This work aims to fill this gap by proposing a generic model for the integration of management systems.
The integration of management systems (quality, safety, environment, ...) into one comprehensive management system allows the company to optimize its resources, improve efficiency and better meet the needs of all stakeholders . There are very few studies that examine the motivations for companies to integrate their systems of sequential management, some isolated empirical studies in paid developed that address this theme lead us to wonder about the fate of Moroccan companies. The study was conducted via an empirical survey of 50 Moroccan companies double or triple certified (ISO 9001, ISO14001, OHSAS 18001,...). The willingness of senior management, improving business efficiency, the desire to provide overall management of the various management systems, development of competitiveness and customer satisfaction are all factors behind adoption of such a system by Moroccan companies.