Antidrepanocytary activity of Ipomoea batatas, an edible and therapeutic plant used in traditional medicine of Katanga for burns and sickle cell disease was evaluated using the Emmel test. Crude extracts extracted by water, methanol and ethanol, have shown activity antidrepanocytory activity in vitro. The chemical screening showed that the leaves of Ipomoea batatas mainly contain alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, quinones, leucoanthocyanes, saponins and steroids. The evaluation of the effect of heat, studied by UV-Visible spectrophotometry at 262nm for the aqueous extracts and at 268nm for the methanolic and ethanolic extracts by exposing extracts obtained in the oven at various times and temperatures, have shown that crude substances extracted from Ipomoea batatas are heat sensitive.
In Lubumbashi and its hinterland, somme food plants which are generating natural colourings used in traditional medicine were found This is the case of Hibiscus Sabdariffa from which some analyses have been completed in this study namely: - Moisture and total ash determination in leaves and flowers, - Chemical matter research, - Colouring extraction in water, methanol and ethanol - Biological test of extracted colourant and thermodegradation of colourants. However, the thermodegradation assessment has been studied by exposition of differents extracts got from study at different temperatures and moments, and the absorbance reading done successively at 262nm for aqueous extracts and at 268nm for both methanolic and ethanol extracts