Only a science education, based on the concrete implementation of the experimental method can achieve the degree of intellectual training that makes available to the critical acceptance and integration of novelty. The teaching process must be done permanently.
Based on the questionnaire and the importance of experimentation in environmental education and sustainable development in the qualifying secondary cycle.
It has been deduced that experimentation has only a reduced place in the teaching of this discipline. For the following reason:
Teachers are not motivated to practice classroom experiences. They are aware of the importance of experimentation, and its didactic interest in the development of critical thinking in students.
ICTs provide innovative means, not only for the dissemination of knowledge but also for the exploration of learning strategies that promote the construction of skills (Lebrun, 1999, CSE, 2000). Many professors who are beginning to be interested in ICT want to integrate them as tools to support their magisterial approach (Guay, 2002). Here, the professor takes advantage of ICT resources to significantly enrich his class presentations through multimedia presentations. Poellhuber and Boulanger (2001) speak of "interactive mastery". It is also about making documents available to students at all times, such as a website with links to EIDS. The present study was established with the aim of highlighting the utility of ICT in EEDD teaching at the core of the qualifying secondary school curriculum. The critical analysis of the curricular SVT curricula, and the statistical results allowed us to note that most teachers state that the use of ICT facilitates the construction of knowledge about EESD by students, and that the majority of them wish to benefit from continuous training to have a solid knowledge of Computer Science and to improve their practical ICT skills.
The environmental education and health is one of the major axes of the Moroccan school curriculum, giving us the opportunity to assess the interlinkages between knowledge and behaviors taught students about the environment and health in schools. From an analysis of the curricula of Life Sciences and Earth qualifying secondary school , and a study via a questionnaire for secondary pupils qualifying , it was noted the existence of attitudes to health risks and behaviors that do not respect the environment.