Variety of repositories of data base devoted to oil the world pollution, and at the same time there is the need for a data repository dedicated to the impact of the oil on the air, water, soil, species living and around the parish Dayuma located in the peripheries of the Ecuadorian Amazon, and that can accommodate certain social indicators and health provided by the ECLAC and WHO. The main objective of this project is to provide a user-friendly database to investigators of the binational project between the Governments of France / Ecuador MONOIL (environmental monitoring, health, society, and petroleum in Ecuador) developed in the open source PostgreSQL database. The information collected by reading scientific journals, books, websites and third-party software. This research will be validated with the researchers belonging to the project MONOIL in this way determines the variables used for the structure to be defined in the database. Through the use of the methodology SCRUM is achieved one of the objectives of the project which allows you to comply with the principles of normalization of a database, create services to auto feed tables automatically every day, at the same time that logical and entity-relationship models used in the structure created in a short period of time and in an orderly manner can deliver testing that are analyzed by the leader principal of the project.