This work focuses on the use of the integrated management system and its main descriptors for monitoring the evolution of household and similar waste from landfills, essentially: water content, temperature and impact of water on waste evolution. These descriptors, which reflect the good design and management of TECs, are measured in situ during filling or after closing the traps, in two stages: excavation of a volume of waste obtained by cubing an excavation and then weighing the removed waste on the weighbridge. The search is carried out in old traps of different ages (operated between 1996 and 2008) and at different depths. The water content of the buried waste is measured directly by drying a sub-sample at a temperature of 96°C until the mass is constant (after 72 hours of drying).
The results obtained show that the municipal solid waste buried at the Essaouira CET is evolving in a coherent and predictable way. The temperature of landfilled waste varies between 32 and 45°C depending on the depth of landfill, and the water content of landfilled waste increases with depth. During the dry season, it increases from 30% (1m) to 71% (2m), while during the rainy season, the variation in water content according to depth is more marked (57% to 1m and 81% to 3m) for one-year-old waste. The field capacity of waste after drying in the oven (313%) is higher than that of fines, cardboard and paper, but it is less important (53%) if the waste is dried in the oven.
In relation to the initial objective, the results obtained make it possible to develop an appropriate evolution model for household and similar waste and thus to optimize the design and management of landfills taking into account the interaction between water and waste. Indeed, these descriptors ensure continuous monitoring and detect any potential failures of the CET and therefore ensure its sustainability.
Today, the enormous difficulties encountered by certain national discharges have been repeated, including unexpected "behaviors", Very different from what had been planned and designed were observed for uncontrolled landfills: leachate production under or over appraisal, inefficient drainage or compaction ...; which highlights a lack of specific scientific knowledge and appropriate to dumps, especially in the leachate treatment, who in many cases end up in waterways or groundwater.
For these reasons, leachate treatment of uncontrolled dump in the city of Taza has become a major environmental challenge threaten public health of this city. These untreated leachate directly contaminating the waters of the Oued Larbaâ which delimits this discharge and who are widely used in the irrigation of vegetable crops.
The SBR process model studied and appropriate for the case of the Taza landfill aims to obtain a sufficient abatement of the pollutant load of the leachate in order to meet the Moroccan norms of indirect discharges. The results obtained are very satisfactory, with a net reduction of all studied pollution indicators.
The current dump of the Taza city, dump wild, said dump Julien, located on the outskirts of the city and who’s commissioning dates back to early 1940, has transformed over the years into a major environmental nuisance. Its rehabilitation is necessary to reduce environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions, leachate formation and slope instability. Long-term landfill understanding is important for landfill remediation and appropriate models that can take into account both mechanical and bio-decomposition mechanisms in predicting a sustainable remediation scenario, are not usually available. In this paper, a model based on an integrated QSE management system and taking into account the biodegradation process is proposed to simulate the behavior of the deposit of waste buried after closure of the site and to model the typical descriptors of the behavior in the short and long term.
The analytical, experimental and full-scale extrapolation results prove that the studied model of the SMI-QSE is a simple but robust and scalable scientific and technical tool. The application of this model of SMI-QSE for the rehabilitation of landfills is the originality of this work at the national and even international level. In addition, the appropriation of this model allows the uncontrolled public landfill of the city of Taza to meet its challenges and to integrate into the overall process of sustainable development of Morocco.