Département des Sciences Politiques et Administratives, Faculté des Sciences Sociales, Administratives et Politiques, Université de Kisangani, RD Congo
Africans generally and Zairians particularly have always moaned about no cover or insufficient cover news on their situations from occidental broadcastings. Have they been right? Have they been wrong? That is problem I want to verify in these succession’s articles, taking case of Zaïre during transitional period of 1990 decade. Results establish that Zaïrian State are sufficiently watering by information’s rain from international radios sluices, but at different levels. Voice of America beats all international radios in almost domains. Africa N°1 is queue up in all areas. North’s media are dominate generally, meanwhile in South, Canal-Africa extricate oneself his pin of game. Numerals below in the text are credible.
Interview is very important for a journalist and listeners. It is a dashboard which permit to the first seeing if he works conscientiously, and to seconds if journalist is a rooster in middle of village or he have penchant for one camp or another. In this item, I want to verify, in facts, if broadcasts well-targeted have respected or not principles of profession, that is to say two sounds of bell each time they interview people. My sample was constituted of 537 interviews and was collected between October the 5th 1992 and September the 24th 1994, on seven International Broadcasting stations. Voice of America arrives in head, with 73 (62.4%). Africa N°1 and Nederland Broadcasting have respectively 3 unites, or 2.6 % and bring up the rear. I have sub-divide groups of persons who are called for an interview (interviewed) in three: 1° Opposition, 2° Neutrals or Experts, 3° Power or Presidential Covance or “Status quo”. First obtains 45.8%, second has 32.4%, last group had realize a score of 21.8%.