International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
ISSN: 2028-9324     CODEN: IJIABO     OCLC Number: 828807274     ZDB-ID: 2703985-7
Jeudi 24 Octobre 2024




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Volume 42, Issue 1, Mar. 2024


Front Cover

Evaluation of the Viability of Turpentine Oil at High Density Printing on Cotton Fabric
Author(s): Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Sherazul Islam, Abrar Yasir Abir, Nusrat Jahan Mousumi, Suraiya Ireen, and Jagannath Biswas
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Evaluation of the antifungal activity of 4 plants used in the treatment of Tinea capitis (ringworm) in Niger
[ Evaluation de l’activité antifongique de 4 plantes utilisées dans le traitement de Tinea capitis (la teigne) au Niger ]

Author(s): Ramatoulaye MAROU HIMA, Alfa Keita DJIBO, Ali Elhadji SALEY, Souley GAMBO, and Idrissa MOUSSA
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Management of purple blotch disease on onion (Allium cepa L.) using fungicides and plant-based pesticides in West Africa, Burkina Faso
Author(s): Tounwendsida Abel Nana, Ouahabo Koanda, Adama Sirima, Kouka Hamidou Sogoba, Marcel Bembamba, and KOÏTA Kadidia
Burkina Faso
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Evolution of gold content along the orebody in the Torkera gold deposit, Gaoua district: Deformation and hydrothermal alteration
Author(s): Barkwendé H. Fabrice Ouédraogo, Pascal Ouiya, and Boukaré Kiéma
Burkina Faso
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Petrosedimentary analysis of maastrichtian and paleocene-ypresian deposits in the Kao region and indices of phosphate mineralization (Tahoua Region, Central Niger)
[ Analyse pétrosédimentaire des dépôts maastrichtiens et paléocène-yprésiens de la région de Kao et indices de minéralisations phosphatées (Région Tahoua, Niger Central) ]

Author(s): Aguede Komi, Aminou A. Maâzou, Hassane Bouba, Tourba Kamaye, and Yacouba Ahmed
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Hearing Aid Dispensation in the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services: An analysis of the Model, Client Satisfaction and impact on quality of life
Author(s): Awah Jacques Chirac, Louis Mbibeh, Evaristus Tikum Acha, and Tih Pius Muffih
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Design of Biomass Cookstoves Reliability Demonstration Test Plans
Author(s): Tsapi T. Kevin, Samuel M. Bisong, and Bertin D. Soh Fotsing
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Challenges faced by Bunia English teachers in English teaching in 3rd and 4th forms building section
Author(s): Maki Tsedha Christian
RD Congo
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Characterization of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus L.) breeding systems in Butembo town in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
[ Caractérisation des systèmes d’élevage des cobayes (Cavia porcellus L.) en ville de Butembo en République Démocratique du Congo ]

Author(s): Mbusa Siviholya Kito, Kavugho Mbondi Sergine, Lwanzo Kisonia Nelly, and Kavira Mwenge Ghislaine
RD Congo
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Impact of the frequency of phytosanitary treatments on the damage of Spodoptera frugiperda J.E Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on corn in western Burkina Faso
[ Impact de la fréquence des traitements phytosanitaires sur les dégâts de Spodoptera frugiperda J.E Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) sur le maïs à l’Ouest du Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): Aboul Gani Diao, Issoufou Ouedraogo, Omer Aimé Sacamba Hema, and Antoine Sanon
Burkina Faso
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Supplementary food formulation based on plantain, enriched with peanuts
Author(s): Ernest Bonzou TIGORI, Siméon Koffi BROU, Nestor Kouakou KOUASSI, and Tano Kablan
Ivory Coast
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Fodder potential of trees and shrubs in West Africa: Literature review
[ Potentiel fourrager des arbres et arbustes en Afrique de l’Ouest: Synthèse bibliographique ]

Author(s): Idrissa Soumana, Ibrahim Biga, and Mahamane Ali
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Agro-pedological impacts of different crop rotations on a ferric acrisol in Burkina Faso
Author(s): Pouya Mathias Bouinzemwendé, GNANKAMBARY Zacharia, KIBA Delwendé Innocent, ZONGO Nongma, and Sedogo Michel
Burkina Faso
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Integrating Respectful Maternity Care: Trend and Practice at Mvuzi General Referral Hospital in Matadi
[ Intégration des soins de maternité respectueux: Tendance et pratique à l’hôpital général de référence de Mvuzi de Matadi ]

Author(s): K.K. Kena
RD Congo
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Epidemiological profile and probable risk of gestational diabetes at the Kimbanseke General Referral Hospital in Kinshasa, DR Congo
[ Profil épidémiologique et risque probable du diabète gestationnel à l’hôpital général de référence de Kimbanseke à Kinshasa, RD Congo ]

Author(s): B.N. Mukuna, A. Ndomba, A.K. Luzingu, K.K. Kena, J.B.M. Kawumbu, and G.K. Mutshipayi
RD Congo
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The repression of the offense of rape of a minor put to the test of judicial practices in the DRC: Case of the Mbandaka High Court, from 2020 to 2023
[ La répression de l’infraction de viol sur mineur à l’épreuve des pratiques judiciaires en RDC: Cas du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Mbandaka, de 2020 à 2023 ]

Author(s): Cédric IMPOELA BOTULI
RD Congo
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Exploration of the Use of ChatGPT by Life and Earth Sciences Teachers (Morocco)
[ Exploration de l’Usage de ChatGPT par les Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre (Maroc) ]

Author(s): Zahra Zerrouqi and Jamila Abderbi
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The impact of the media in the action of contemporary terrorism
[ L’impact des médias dans l’action du terrorisme contemporain ]

Author(s): Tshabukole Nsabua
RD Congo
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Prevalence and outcome of high-risk pregnancies at the Kintambo maternity ward in the city of Kinshasa from 01-01-2017 to 12-31-2022
[ Prévalence et issue des grossesses à haut risque à la maternité de Kintambo dans la ville de Kinshasa du 01-01-2017 au 31-12-2022 ]

Author(s): B.N. Mukuna, A. Ndomba, D.K. Muamba, A.K. Luzingu, and K.K. Kena
RD Congo
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Physical, Mechanical, and Durability Properties of Compressed Earth Blocks Filled by Juncus Plant Fibers
Author(s): Reda Sadouri and Farah Chantit
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