[ Analyse comparative des normes comptables appliquées à la finance participative - Cas de la Mourabaha - ]
Volume 15, Issue 4, May 2016, Pages 812–821

Rachid EL OUD1 and Abderrahim AMEDJAR2
1 Doctorant en Finance, Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales, Université Hassan 1er de Settat, Settat, Morocco
2 Enseignant chercheur à l’Université Hassan 1er SETTAT, Professeur Habilité – Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Berrechid, Université Hassan 1er SETTAT, Settat, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Islamic finance has become a necessity in the banking market and a priority for some countries that have economic relations with states in the Middle East; Morocco, as a Muslim country and an official partner of these countries recently decided to introduce the aspect of Islamic finance in their financial systems. This passage requires adjustment and redeployment at the laws and regulations of the Moroccan banking law, especially: the institutional setting, accreditation and the conditions for exercising this new profession and the book keeping and presentation of financial statements. Faced with the shortage and the scarcity of research on Islamic accounting, this article tries to analyze the choice of accounting standards for this category of financial institutions. For this, the research describes a distinction between the concept of participatory and conventional Moroccan bank, then an analysis of the three accounting standards used by financial institutions and finally an accounting translation of "Murabaha" operation between the PCEC and AAOFI standards.
Author Keywords: Accounting, IFRS, PCEC, AAOIFI, analysis, standards, Murabaha.
Volume 15, Issue 4, May 2016, Pages 812–821

Rachid EL OUD1 and Abderrahim AMEDJAR2
1 Doctorant en Finance, Faculté des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales, Université Hassan 1er de Settat, Settat, Morocco
2 Enseignant chercheur à l’Université Hassan 1er SETTAT, Professeur Habilité – Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Berrechid, Université Hassan 1er SETTAT, Settat, Morocco
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Islamic finance has become a necessity in the banking market and a priority for some countries that have economic relations with states in the Middle East; Morocco, as a Muslim country and an official partner of these countries recently decided to introduce the aspect of Islamic finance in their financial systems. This passage requires adjustment and redeployment at the laws and regulations of the Moroccan banking law, especially: the institutional setting, accreditation and the conditions for exercising this new profession and the book keeping and presentation of financial statements. Faced with the shortage and the scarcity of research on Islamic accounting, this article tries to analyze the choice of accounting standards for this category of financial institutions. For this, the research describes a distinction between the concept of participatory and conventional Moroccan bank, then an analysis of the three accounting standards used by financial institutions and finally an accounting translation of "Murabaha" operation between the PCEC and AAOFI standards.
Author Keywords: Accounting, IFRS, PCEC, AAOIFI, analysis, standards, Murabaha.
Abstract: (french)
La finance islamique est devenue non seulement une nécessité pour le marché bancaire mais aussi une priorité pour certains Etats qui ont des relations économiques avec les pays du Moyen-Orient ; le Maroc comme étant un pays musulman est un partenaire officiel de ces pays ; il a décidé récemment d’introduire l’aspect de la finance participative dans son système financier. Ce passage nécessite un ajustement et un redéploiement au niveau des dispositions législatives et réglementaires de la loi bancaire marocaine, surtout : le cadre institutionnel, l’agrément et les conditions d’exercice de cette nouvelle profession et la tenue comptable et enfin la présentation des états financiers. Face à l’insuffisance et à la rareté des travaux de recherche sur la comptabilité islamique, nous cherchons à travers cet article d’analyser le choix d’un référentiel comptable pour cette catégorie d’institutions financières. Pour cela, la recherche décrit une distinction entre la notion de la banque participative et celle de la banque conventionnelle marocaine, ensuite une analyse entre les trois normes comptables utilisées par les établissements financiers et enfin une traduction comptable de l’opération « Mourabaha » entre les normes PCEC et AAOFI.
Author Keywords: Comptabilité, IFRS, PCEC, AAOIFI, analyse, référentiel, mourabaha.
How to Cite this Article
Rachid EL OUD and Abderrahim AMEDJAR, “Comparative analysis of accounting standards applied to participatory finance - Case of Mourabaha -,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 812–821, May 2016.