Volume 24, Issue 1, August 2018, Pages 299–310

1 Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geology, University of Goma, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The formations of western Lake Tanganyika are mainly metamorphic intruded by magmatic intrusions and covered by some recent alluvium. They are particularly Mesoproterozoic formations with characteristic lithologies: Gneiss, quartzite, amphibolites, diorites and pegmatites. Regional tectonic has affected this sector generating brittle and planar microstructures which attest the compressive and extensive phases that affected this terrain, and even confirmed in the study of constraints by WIN TENSOR. The preferential orientation of NNW-SSE cleavages and foliations would justify the existence of a large regional fold contemporaneous with the D2 deformations of kibaran, while the double orientation of the fractures reflects two phases of local deformations that have been affecting Kavimvira. The highlighting of the faults at the regional scale is related to East African rifting.
Author Keywords: Kibaran, cleavage, rifting, Tanganyika, kavimvira.

1 Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geology, University of Goma, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The formations of western Lake Tanganyika are mainly metamorphic intruded by magmatic intrusions and covered by some recent alluvium. They are particularly Mesoproterozoic formations with characteristic lithologies: Gneiss, quartzite, amphibolites, diorites and pegmatites. Regional tectonic has affected this sector generating brittle and planar microstructures which attest the compressive and extensive phases that affected this terrain, and even confirmed in the study of constraints by WIN TENSOR. The preferential orientation of NNW-SSE cleavages and foliations would justify the existence of a large regional fold contemporaneous with the D2 deformations of kibaran, while the double orientation of the fractures reflects two phases of local deformations that have been affecting Kavimvira. The highlighting of the faults at the regional scale is related to East African rifting.
Author Keywords: Kibaran, cleavage, rifting, Tanganyika, kavimvira.
Abstract: (french)
Les formations de l’Ouest du Lac Tanganyika sont principalement métamorphiques recoupées par des intrusions magmatiques et couvertes par quelques alluvions récentes. Ce sont particulièrement des formations mésoprotérozoiques dont les lithologies caractéristiques sont: Gneiss, quartzite, amphibolites et pegmatites. La tectonique régionale a affecté ce secteur générant des microstructures cassantes et planaires qui attestent des phases compressive et extensive qu’a connu ce terrain, confirmée même dans l’étude des contraintes par WIN TENSOR. L’orientation préférentielle des schistosités et des foliations NNW-SSE justifierait l’existence d’un vaste plissement régional contemporain aux déformations D2 du Kibarien, tandis que la double orientation des cassures traduit deux phases de déformations locales ayant affectées Kavimvira. La mise en évidence des failles à l’échelle régionale est à rattacher au rifting Est Africain.
Author Keywords: Kibarien, schistosités, rifting, Tanganyika, kavimvira.
How to Cite this Article
Guy SHUNGU LAMA, “Etude Structurale des formations de l’Ouest du lac Tanganyika (cas de Kavimvira, RD Congo),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 299–310, August 2018.