International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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A Single Report (Hadith) and the Attitude of al-Usuliyyin and Jurists towards Using it as a Proof in Doctrinal and Devotional Issues

[ خبر الواحد وموقف الأصوليين والفقهاء من الاحتجاج به في المعتقدات والأحكام الفقهية ]

Volume 29, Issue 1, April 2020, Pages 37–48

 A Single Report (Hadith) and the Attitude of al-Usuliyyin and Jurists towards Using it as a Proof in Doctrinal and Devotional Issues

Badr-Edin El HMIDI1, Badre-Eddine EZZITI2, and Mohamed EZZZITI3

1 Sidi Mohamed ben Abdellah University, Faculty of Chariaa, Fez, Morocco
2 University Muhammad ben Abdullah, Faculty of Chariaa, Sais-Fes, Morocco
3 Department of Islamic Studies, Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Marrakech, Morocco

Original language: Arabic

Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The aim of this paper is to discuss in its preface a variety point of views of Islamic school of thoughts concerning the accurate definition of concept “Khabar al-Wahid ". It will examine the method of Hanafi’s school of thoughts and the method of majority of jurists in terms of providing definition for the previous term. In the first part, it provides a wide range of arguments for and against of believing that employing Khabar al-Wahid as a proof for two kinds of issues in Islamic Sharia. This paper claims that this type of Sunna is an acceptable source for either doctrinal issues or principle ones. It should be emphasizing on the fact that the majority of Muslim scholars believe that this type of Prophetic saying is not strong enough to prove doctrinal issues because such issues need to be built on sacred texts that certainly proves this sense. For the majority, this level of certainty is impossible with this sort of Prophetic tradition. More importantly, we fully convinced that "Khabar al-Wahid" has been practically used by many Islamic scholars to prove doctrinal issues even though they reject this way of understanding conceptually. The second part of this paper has dealt with another related controversial issue which is that "Khabar al-Wahid "should be applied in worshiping context under the belief of obligatory (وجوب العمل بخبر الواحد) or having a choice ((جواز العمل بخبر الواحد. In this context, this paper widely provides arguments for and against. It also gives special attention to discuss weakness and strength of the two sides of these arguments.

Author Keywords: khabar al-Wahid, using khabar al-Wahid as a proof, doctrinal rulings, devotional rulings, legislative rulings.

Abstract: (arabic)

تحاول الدراسة البحث في خبر الواحد من حيث مفهومه اللغوي والشرعي والأدلة على الاحتجاج به في قضايا شرعية بغض النظر عن كونها تتعلق بالأحكام الاعتقادية أو الفقهية العملية. وقد هدف البحث في المقام الثاني إلى إثبات أن أخبار الآحاد الصحيحة يجب العمل بها في كل مجالات الحياة. كما قد حاولت الدراسة أن تعرض الخلاف بين علماء الشريعة في الاحتجاج بأخبار الآحاد في القضايا المشار إليها أعلاه في ضوء التزام مبادئ الحياد والموضوعية؛ بحيث تم توزيع الأدلة والبراهين بين النظرية والتطبيقية لكلا الفيرقين. وقد خلصت الدراسة بناء على الأدلة المقدّمة من قبل طرفي النزاع والمناقشة المعروضة بشأنها إلى أن الجانب العملي والواقعي في المصنفات التشريعية في الشريعة الإسلامية يؤكد جنوح كثير من علماء الشريعة إلى الاحتجاج بخبر الواحد في القضايا الاعتقادية والعملية التشريعية دون تمييز بين المجالين.

Author Keywords: خبر الواحد؛ الاحتجاج بخبر الواحد؛ الأحكام الاعتقادية؛ الأحكام التشريعية؛ الأحكام العملية.

How to Cite this Article

Badr-Edin El HMIDI, Badre-Eddine EZZITI, and Mohamed EZZZITI, “A Single Report (Hadith) and the Attitude of al-Usuliyyin and Jurists towards Using it as a Proof in Doctrinal and Devotional Issues,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 37–48, April 2020.