[ Pratiques de gestion durables des terres, qualité des sols et perception des producteurs du maïs du bassin versant de l’Okpara ]
Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2020, Pages 1216–1223
![Sustainable land management practices, soil quality and perception of corn producers in the Okpara watershed Sustainable land management practices, soil quality and perception of corn producers in the Okpara watershed](./docs/fulltext.png)
Adjeran Emmanuel1, Vodounou Jean Bosco Kpatindé2, and YABI Afouda Jacob3
1 Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire, Université de Parakou, BP 123, Parakou, Benin
2 Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire, Université de Parakou, BP 123, Parakou, Benin
3 Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Economiques et Sociales (LARDES), Faculté d’Agronomie (FA), Université de Parakou (UP), Bénin, BP 123 Université de Parakou, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective of this study is to determine the perception of corn producers on soil quality based on sustainable land management practices in the Okpara watershed. To do this, 280 heads of maize producers were surveyed in the municipalities of Pèrèrè, N’Dali, Tchaourou and Ouessè. The Fisher test made it possible to compare the soil quality score according to the municipalities, the farming practices of the Okpara watershed; the score of soil types according to farming practices and municipalities. This test showed that the municipalities of Pèrèrè and N’Dali have better soil quality scores than the municipalities of Tchaourou and Ouessè regardless of the type of soil. Multiple linear regression has shown that factors such as: the probability of predicting improved seed practices, the probability of ridging practices, the municipality of Tchaourou, the municipality of Ouessè, and the number of years of experience in agriculture in general significantly determine the quality of the soil in the Okpara watershed. Thus, it is therefore necessary to take into account the endogenous knowledge available to producers in the study area for a better assessment of the quality of the soil in future studies.
Author Keywords: Perception, soil quality, practice, subtainable land management, Okpara.
Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2020, Pages 1216–1223
![Sustainable land management practices, soil quality and perception of corn producers in the Okpara watershed Sustainable land management practices, soil quality and perception of corn producers in the Okpara watershed](./docs/fulltext.png)
Adjeran Emmanuel1, Vodounou Jean Bosco Kpatindé2, and YABI Afouda Jacob3
1 Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire, Université de Parakou, BP 123, Parakou, Benin
2 Département de Géographie et Aménagement du Territoire, Université de Parakou, BP 123, Parakou, Benin
3 Laboratoire d’Analyse et de Recherche sur les Dynamiques Economiques et Sociales (LARDES), Faculté d’Agronomie (FA), Université de Parakou (UP), Bénin, BP 123 Université de Parakou, Benin
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective of this study is to determine the perception of corn producers on soil quality based on sustainable land management practices in the Okpara watershed. To do this, 280 heads of maize producers were surveyed in the municipalities of Pèrèrè, N’Dali, Tchaourou and Ouessè. The Fisher test made it possible to compare the soil quality score according to the municipalities, the farming practices of the Okpara watershed; the score of soil types according to farming practices and municipalities. This test showed that the municipalities of Pèrèrè and N’Dali have better soil quality scores than the municipalities of Tchaourou and Ouessè regardless of the type of soil. Multiple linear regression has shown that factors such as: the probability of predicting improved seed practices, the probability of ridging practices, the municipality of Tchaourou, the municipality of Ouessè, and the number of years of experience in agriculture in general significantly determine the quality of the soil in the Okpara watershed. Thus, it is therefore necessary to take into account the endogenous knowledge available to producers in the study area for a better assessment of the quality of the soil in future studies.
Author Keywords: Perception, soil quality, practice, subtainable land management, Okpara.
Abstract: (french)
L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la perception des producteurs du maïs sur la qualité des sols à partir des pratiques de gestion durable des terres du bassin versant de l’Okpara. Pour ce faire, 280 chefs d’exploitation producteurs de maïs ont été enquêtés dans les communes de Pèrèrè, de N’Dali, de Tchaourou et de Ouessè. Le test de Fisher a permis de comparer le score de qualité de sol selon les communes, les pratiques culturales du bassin versant de l’Okpara; le score des types de sols selon les pratiques culturales et les communes. Ce test a montré que les communes de Pèrèrè et de N’Dali ont des scores de qualité de sol meilleurs que les communes de Tchaourou et de Ouessè quel que soit le type de sol. La régression linéaire multiple a montré que les facteurs tels que: la probabilité de prédiction des pratiques de semences améliorées, la probabilité des pratiques de billonnage, la commune de Tchaourou, la commune de Ouessè, et le nombre d’années d’expériences en agriculture en général déterminent significativement la qualité du sol dans le bassin versant de l’Okpara. Ainsi, il s’impose donc une prise en compte des connaissances endogènes que disposent les producteurs de la zone d’étude pour une meilleure évaluation de la qualité des sols dans les études à venir.
Author Keywords: Perception, qualité du sol, pratique, gestion durable des terres, Okpara.
How to Cite this Article
Adjeran Emmanuel, Vodounou Jean Bosco Kpatindé, and YABI Afouda Jacob, “Sustainable land management practices, soil quality and perception of corn producers in the Okpara watershed,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1216–1223, July 2020.