[ Contribution environnementale sur la gestion des ordures ménagères dans la ville de Lisala : Cas de la commune de Bolikango, Province de Mongala RDC, de Janvier à Décembre 2019 ]
Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2020, Pages 1040–1051

Daniel Matili Widobana1, Dorcas Balianga Basusu2, Héritier Naboe Tokotala3, Jean Ngolomba EA Ngolomba4, and Jean Pierre Basila Ilengi5
1 Licencié en Gestion des Institutions de Santé et Licencié en Economie de Gestion, RD Congo
2 Licencié en Environnement, RD Congo
3 Licencié en Biologie Médicale, RD Congo
4 Expert en Santé Publique, RD Congo
5 Docteur en Environnement, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The general objective of this study is to carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the garbage from the commune of BOLIKANGO in the city of Lisala, Province of Mongala and to test the adequacy of the methods of storage and elimination of this waste. To achieve this, we used the descriptive method for waste identification using living techniques such as direct or indirect observation and structured sowing interviews. Results obtained revealed the following points: Awareness of the problem by the inhabitants of the commune of BOLIKANGO. 80% of the population surveyed recognizes that the waste problem exists and that biodegradable organic matter is the main source of garbage in households. In addition to organic matter, waste made up of metals, such as sardine cans, tomatoes, spare parts for vehicles and motorcycles, cells and batteries come second. These methods enabled us to note that the solid waste produced in the commune of BOLIKANGO is badly managed with enormous risks for the health of the population, of the households all around the commune concerned.The inhabitants of the district have neither trash, nor dump at the level of their installations throw their waste directly on the ground and without service of daily collection, the inhabitants themselves take care of the sweeping and the evacuation of waste. It emerges from this study that:Garbage exists and includes a mixture of constituents, the main ones being plant waste, animal waste, waste from manufacturing products, construction accessories and human waste.The largest single quantity of garbage is produced at the central market in Lisala, i.e. 90000m3.The state service for collecting, sorting and eliminating waste in the municipality is not operational. You can see the hills of waste abandoned in some markets and others throw their waste squarely into rivers.We say that at the level of the municipality, that is to say the real ecological problems exist and because of an unhealthy environment, several contagious and infectious diseases circulate in the population because the application of the law remains not applicable everywhere in the DRC.
Author Keywords: Environmental Contribution, Household Waste Management.
Volume 29, Issue 4, July 2020, Pages 1040–1051

Daniel Matili Widobana1, Dorcas Balianga Basusu2, Héritier Naboe Tokotala3, Jean Ngolomba EA Ngolomba4, and Jean Pierre Basila Ilengi5
1 Licencié en Gestion des Institutions de Santé et Licencié en Economie de Gestion, RD Congo
2 Licencié en Environnement, RD Congo
3 Licencié en Biologie Médicale, RD Congo
4 Expert en Santé Publique, RD Congo
5 Docteur en Environnement, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Gemena, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2020 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The general objective of this study is to carry out a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the garbage from the commune of BOLIKANGO in the city of Lisala, Province of Mongala and to test the adequacy of the methods of storage and elimination of this waste. To achieve this, we used the descriptive method for waste identification using living techniques such as direct or indirect observation and structured sowing interviews. Results obtained revealed the following points: Awareness of the problem by the inhabitants of the commune of BOLIKANGO. 80% of the population surveyed recognizes that the waste problem exists and that biodegradable organic matter is the main source of garbage in households. In addition to organic matter, waste made up of metals, such as sardine cans, tomatoes, spare parts for vehicles and motorcycles, cells and batteries come second. These methods enabled us to note that the solid waste produced in the commune of BOLIKANGO is badly managed with enormous risks for the health of the population, of the households all around the commune concerned.The inhabitants of the district have neither trash, nor dump at the level of their installations throw their waste directly on the ground and without service of daily collection, the inhabitants themselves take care of the sweeping and the evacuation of waste. It emerges from this study that:Garbage exists and includes a mixture of constituents, the main ones being plant waste, animal waste, waste from manufacturing products, construction accessories and human waste.The largest single quantity of garbage is produced at the central market in Lisala, i.e. 90000m3.The state service for collecting, sorting and eliminating waste in the municipality is not operational. You can see the hills of waste abandoned in some markets and others throw their waste squarely into rivers.We say that at the level of the municipality, that is to say the real ecological problems exist and because of an unhealthy environment, several contagious and infectious diseases circulate in the population because the application of the law remains not applicable everywhere in the DRC.
Author Keywords: Environmental Contribution, Household Waste Management.
Abstract: (french)
L’objectif général de cette étude consiste de faire l’analyse qualitative et quantitative des ordures de la commune de BOLIKANGO dans la ville de Lisala, Province de Mongala et de tester l’adéquation des modes de stockage et d’élimination de ces déchets. Pour y parvenir, nous avons utilisé la méthode descriptive pour l’identification des déchets en recourant à des techniques vivantes comme l’observation directe ou indirecte et les interviews semis structurées. Des résultats obtenus ont révélé les points suivants: De la prise de conscience du problème par les habitants de la commune de BOLIKANGO. 80% de la population enquêtée reconnait que le problème de déchets existe et que les matières organiques biodégradables constituent la principale source des ordures dans les ménages. Outre les matières organiques, les déchets constitués des métaux, tels que les boites de sardines, tomates, les pièces détachées des véhicules et des motos, piles et les batteries viennent en second lieu. Ces méthodes nous ont permis de constater que les déchets solides produits dans la commune de BOLIKANGO sont mal gérés avec des risques énormes pour la santé de la population, des ménages tout autour de la commune concernée.Les habitants du quartier ne disposent ni poubelle, ni dépotoir au niveau de leurs installations jettent leurs déchets directement au sol et sans service de ramassage journalier, les habitant eux même se charge du balayage et de l'évacuation des déchets. Il ressort de cette étude que:Les immondices existent et comprennent un mélange de constituants dont les principaux sont les déchets végétaux, les déchets animaux, les déchets des produits manufacturiers, les accessoires de constructions et les déchets humains.La quantité ponctuelle d’immondices la plus importante est produite au marché central de Lisala, soit 90000m3.Le service étatique de ramassage, de tri et d’élimination des déchets dans la commune n’est pas opérationnel. On observe les collines des déchets abandonnées dans certains marchés et d’autres jettent carrément leurs déchets dans les cours d’eau.Nous disons qu’au niveau de la commune c'est-à-dire les problèmes écologiques réels existent et à cause d’un environnement malsain, plusieurs maladies contagieuses et infectieuses circulent dans la population parce que l’application de loi reste non applicable partout en RDC.
Author Keywords: Contribution Environnementale, Gestion des Ordures Ménagères.
How to Cite this Article
Daniel Matili Widobana, Dorcas Balianga Basusu, Héritier Naboe Tokotala, Jean Ngolomba EA Ngolomba, and Jean Pierre Basila Ilengi, “Environmental contribution on the management of household waste in the city of Lisala: Case of the commune of Bolikango, Province of Mongala DRC, from January to December 2019,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 1040–1051, July 2020.