[ Opérationnalisation des objectifs d’apprentissage en culture générale et leur adéquation avec les questions d’évaluation chez les enseignants des écoles officielles de Goma (RD Congo) ]
Volume 31, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 712–722

Eliya Safari Jordan1, Kayumba Mugoyi Osée2, Enock Katundi Tonny3, Butaera Kilongoshi Destin4, Amuri Zihindula Moses5, and Hekima Munyagasozi Salomon6
1 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
2 Chef de Travaux, Université de Goma, RD Congo
3 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
4 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
5 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
6 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present article is an attempt to scientific inspection of the dealing of learning objectives for the teachers of general (global) knowledge in non-convention schools in Goma town. But also, the study goes beyond to answer the following question: objectives made by these teachers, are they in adequate with questions they put to pupils by the end of educational action ?
Author Keywords: Dealing, objective, evaluation.
Volume 31, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 712–722

Eliya Safari Jordan1, Kayumba Mugoyi Osée2, Enock Katundi Tonny3, Butaera Kilongoshi Destin4, Amuri Zihindula Moses5, and Hekima Munyagasozi Salomon6
1 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
2 Chef de Travaux, Université de Goma, RD Congo
3 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
4 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
5 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
6 Assistant de premier mandat, Université de Goma, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present article is an attempt to scientific inspection of the dealing of learning objectives for the teachers of general (global) knowledge in non-convention schools in Goma town. But also, the study goes beyond to answer the following question: objectives made by these teachers, are they in adequate with questions they put to pupils by the end of educational action ?
Author Keywords: Dealing, objective, evaluation.
Abstract: (french)
Cet article n’est qu’un essai de vérification scientifique d’opérationnalisation des objectifs d’apprentissage chez les enseignants de culture générale des écoles non conventionnées de la ville de Goma. Mais aussi, l’étude va au-delà pour répondre à la question suivante: les objectifs formulés par ces enseignants sont-ils en adéquation avec les questions qu’ils proposent aux élèves à la fin de l’action éducative ?
Author Keywords: Opérationnalisation, objectif, évaluation.
How to Cite this Article
Eliya Safari Jordan, Kayumba Mugoyi Osée, Enock Katundi Tonny, Butaera Kilongoshi Destin, Amuri Zihindula Moses, and Hekima Munyagasozi Salomon, “Operationalization of learning objectives in general culture and their adequacy with evaluation questions among teachers in official schools in Goma (DR Congo),” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 712–722, January 2021.