[ La socialisation organisationnelle comme prédicteur de la satisfaction au travail des agents de l’administration publique Gabonaise ]
Volume 31, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 849–858

Tessa Moundjiegout1 and Benha Ndzie Penisga2
1 Enseignant-chercheur à l’Université Omar Bongo, Maitre-assistant en psychologie du travail et des organisations, Membre de l’équipe de recherche du Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes en Psychologie (CREP), Gabon
2 Psychologue du Travail et des Organisations, Responsable administrative à l’Institut Supérieur de Formation Appliquée (ISFA), Gabon
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This research is part of an approach to organizational socialization. Conducted within an administrative structure of the Gabonese public sector, we conducted a study on the influence of organizational socialization on organizational behavior, in other words, organizational socialization as a predictor of job satisfaction. The men and women participated in this research, 136 respondents, managers and non-managers. The average age here is 37.12 years old. The results obtained present organizational socialization as well perceived by the agents in post and the trainees, the men and the women do not present any difference of perception at the level, organizational socialization, because it has important issues not only for each organizational structure but also for the worker. The interrelationship matrix shows significant links between organizational socialization and job satisfaction and between job satisfaction and proactivity.
Author Keywords: Organizational socialization, administrative structure, Gabonese public sector.
Volume 31, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 849–858

Tessa Moundjiegout1 and Benha Ndzie Penisga2
1 Enseignant-chercheur à l’Université Omar Bongo, Maitre-assistant en psychologie du travail et des organisations, Membre de l’équipe de recherche du Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes en Psychologie (CREP), Gabon
2 Psychologue du Travail et des Organisations, Responsable administrative à l’Institut Supérieur de Formation Appliquée (ISFA), Gabon
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This research is part of an approach to organizational socialization. Conducted within an administrative structure of the Gabonese public sector, we conducted a study on the influence of organizational socialization on organizational behavior, in other words, organizational socialization as a predictor of job satisfaction. The men and women participated in this research, 136 respondents, managers and non-managers. The average age here is 37.12 years old. The results obtained present organizational socialization as well perceived by the agents in post and the trainees, the men and the women do not present any difference of perception at the level, organizational socialization, because it has important issues not only for each organizational structure but also for the worker. The interrelationship matrix shows significant links between organizational socialization and job satisfaction and between job satisfaction and proactivity.
Author Keywords: Organizational socialization, administrative structure, Gabonese public sector.
Abstract: (french)
Cette recherche s’inscrit dans une approche de la socialisation organisationnelle. Menée au sein d’une structure administrative du secteur public gabonais, nous avons procédé à une étude sur l’influence de la socialisation organisationnelle sur les comportements organisationnels, autrement dit la socialisation organisationnelle comme facteur prédicteur de la satisfaction au travail des agents. Les hommes et les femmes ont participé à cette recherche, soit 136 répondants, cadres et non cadres. L’âge moyen ici est de 37.12 ans. Les résultats obtenus présentent la socialisation organisationnelle comme bien perçu par les agents en poste et les stagiaires, les hommes et les femmes ne présentent aucune différence de perception au niveau, de la socialisation organisationnelle, car celle-ci possède des enjeux importants non seulement pour chaque structure organisationnelle mais aussi pour le travailleur. La matrice d’inter corrélations présente des liens significatifs entre la socialisation organisationnelle et la satisfaction au travail et entre la satisfaction au travail et la proactivité.
Author Keywords: Socialisation organisationnelle, structure administrative, secteur public gabonais.
How to Cite this Article
Tessa Moundjiegout and Benha Ndzie Penisga, “Organizational socialization as a predictor of job satisfaction for Gabonese public administration employees,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 849–858, January 2021.