Volume 31, Issue 4, January 2021, Pages 757–762

M.H. Ahamat1, M.I. Boukhari2, A. Chaibo3, Kalsouabe Zoukalne4, and M.Y. Khayal5
1 Department of electrical engineering, National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Abéché, Abéché, Chad
2 Department of electrical engineering, National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Abéché, Abéché, Chad
3 Department of telecommunication and Communication, National School of Information Technologies and Communications, N’Djamena, Chad
4 Cellule Techno-pédagogie, Virtual University of , N’Djamena, Ch, Chad
5 Cellule Techno-pédagogie, Virtual University of , N’Djamena, Ch, Chad
Original language: English
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this paper, we propose a quantification study of a magnetic disturbance radiated by a PIFA antenna operating at a frequency of 900MHz and its magnetic shielding. The obtained results in simulation using HFSS simulator have permit initially to determine the near field radiates part if this antenna. A magnetic shielding of the antenna is obtained by using a ferrite. This shielding improves also the antenna performance. The shielded antenna has a reflection coefficient of -25dB.
Author Keywords: PIFA antenna, Electromagnetic disturbance, magnetic shielding, ferrite magnetic, near field.

M.H. Ahamat1, M.I. Boukhari2, A. Chaibo3, Kalsouabe Zoukalne4, and M.Y. Khayal5
1 Department of electrical engineering, National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Abéché, Abéché, Chad
2 Department of electrical engineering, National Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Abéché, Abéché, Chad
3 Department of telecommunication and Communication, National School of Information Technologies and Communications, N’Djamena, Chad
4 Cellule Techno-pédagogie, Virtual University of , N’Djamena, Ch, Chad
5 Cellule Techno-pédagogie, Virtual University of , N’Djamena, Ch, Chad
Original language: English
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this paper, we propose a quantification study of a magnetic disturbance radiated by a PIFA antenna operating at a frequency of 900MHz and its magnetic shielding. The obtained results in simulation using HFSS simulator have permit initially to determine the near field radiates part if this antenna. A magnetic shielding of the antenna is obtained by using a ferrite. This shielding improves also the antenna performance. The shielded antenna has a reflection coefficient of -25dB.
Author Keywords: PIFA antenna, Electromagnetic disturbance, magnetic shielding, ferrite magnetic, near field.
How to Cite this Article
M.H. Ahamat, M.I. Boukhari, A. Chaibo, Kalsouabe Zoukalne, and M.Y. Khayal, “Radiated EM Disturbance by a PIFA Antenna at 900MHz and its Magnetic Shielding,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 757–762, January 2021.