[ Le segment de paysage et le paysan lobi dans la région de Bouna au Nord-Est de la Côte d’Ivoire ]
Volume 34, Issue 2, November 2021, Pages 331–342
Kambire Sambi1
1 Maître de conférences, Laboratoire d’Etudes et de recherches sur les Milieux Naturels Tropicaux (LAMINAT), Université Peleforo Gon Coulibaly, Côte d’Ivoire
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Each society has its own way of relating, appropriating and using the natural environment. This study falls within context of the problem of management and research for a balance between the natural environment and peasant logic specific to agrarian societies in their relations with the environment. The study is based on integrated analysis of natural environment using analysis of HAUTS-MONTS INC-CIV aerial images, at the scale of 1: 50000, and Copenicus Maxar-technology 2020 scene. We can therefore seek to know how - from the anthropic which is observed through the analysis of agrarian landscape and agricultural occupation of the ground - the rural geographical space of the Lobi can be determined by natural constraints, their rationalities internal and their ideologies ? The objective is to situate functioning of geosystems at the scale of landscape segments, where all the ideas of agricultural development and the challenges of sustainable development are expressed. The study starts from hypothesis of agricultural use of the slopes where lateral (colluvial) dynamics are exerted, consequences of thicker soils that are easier to work. Results indicate that among Lobi farmers, subsistence and market strategies dominated by the preponderance of early yam, Dioscorea cayenensis. Dry cereals come next. It was therefore necessary to use, in an optimal way, land resources used as best as possible for these essential foodstuffs: ferrallitic and ferruginous soils more or less sandy in slope position, easy to work and suitable for all the cultivated crops. We then retain the adaptability to soils of agricultural techniques and intervention of religious ideologies. These establish on the slopes the environments likely, by the pedological conditions offered, to accommodate all the crops in a single block and thus meet certain mythical requirements.
Author Keywords: Topographic position, landscape, farmer, North-Estern, Côte d’Ivoire.
Volume 34, Issue 2, November 2021, Pages 331–342
Kambire Sambi1
1 Maître de conférences, Laboratoire d’Etudes et de recherches sur les Milieux Naturels Tropicaux (LAMINAT), Université Peleforo Gon Coulibaly, Côte d’Ivoire
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Each society has its own way of relating, appropriating and using the natural environment. This study falls within context of the problem of management and research for a balance between the natural environment and peasant logic specific to agrarian societies in their relations with the environment. The study is based on integrated analysis of natural environment using analysis of HAUTS-MONTS INC-CIV aerial images, at the scale of 1: 50000, and Copenicus Maxar-technology 2020 scene. We can therefore seek to know how - from the anthropic which is observed through the analysis of agrarian landscape and agricultural occupation of the ground - the rural geographical space of the Lobi can be determined by natural constraints, their rationalities internal and their ideologies ? The objective is to situate functioning of geosystems at the scale of landscape segments, where all the ideas of agricultural development and the challenges of sustainable development are expressed. The study starts from hypothesis of agricultural use of the slopes where lateral (colluvial) dynamics are exerted, consequences of thicker soils that are easier to work. Results indicate that among Lobi farmers, subsistence and market strategies dominated by the preponderance of early yam, Dioscorea cayenensis. Dry cereals come next. It was therefore necessary to use, in an optimal way, land resources used as best as possible for these essential foodstuffs: ferrallitic and ferruginous soils more or less sandy in slope position, easy to work and suitable for all the cultivated crops. We then retain the adaptability to soils of agricultural techniques and intervention of religious ideologies. These establish on the slopes the environments likely, by the pedological conditions offered, to accommodate all the crops in a single block and thus meet certain mythical requirements.
Author Keywords: Topographic position, landscape, farmer, North-Estern, Côte d’Ivoire.
Abstract: (french)
Chaque société a son propre mode de relation, d’appropriation et d’utilisation du cadre naturel. Cette étude s’inscrit dans un contexte de problème de gestion et de recherche d’équilibre du milieu naturel avec les logiques paysannes propres aux sociétés agraires dans leurs relations avec le milieu. L’étude est fondée sur l’analyse intégrée du milieu naturel grâce aux techniques de photo-interprétation des clichés aériens HAUTS-MONTS INC-CIV à l’échelle du 1: 50000 et de télédétection de la scène Copenicus Maxar-technology 2020. On cherche, ici, à savoir comment – à partir de l’anthropique qui s’observe à travers l’analyse du paysage agraire et de l’occupation agricole du sol – l’espace géographique rural des Lobi peut être déterminé par des contraintes naturelles, leurs rationalités internes et leurs idéologies ?L’objectif est de situer le fonctionnement des géosystèmes à l’échelle des segments de paysage, où s’expriment toutes les velléités d’aménagement agricole et les enjeux du développement durable. L’étude part de l’hypothèse d’une utilisation agricole des versants où s’exercent des dynamiques latérales (colluviales), conséquences de sols plus épais et faciles à travailler. Les résultats indiquent que chez les paysans lobi, prédominent des stratégies de subsistance et marchande marquées par la prééminence de l’igname précoce, Dioscorea cayenensis. Les céréales sèches viennent ensuite. Il a donc fallu valoriser, de façon optimale, les ressources foncières utilisées au mieux pour ces denrées indispensables: les sols ferrallitiques et ferrugineux plus ou moins arénacés en position de versant, faciles à travailler et aptes à toutes les cultures valorisées. On retient ensuite l’adaptabilité aux sols des techniques agricoles et l’intervention des idéologies religieuses. Celles-ci font des versants les milieux susceptibles, de par les conditions pédologiques offertes, d’accueillir toutes les cultures en un seul bloc et de satisfaire, ainsi, certaines exigences mythiques.
Author Keywords: Segment, paysage, paysan, Nord-Est, Côte d’Ivoire.
How to Cite this Article
Kambire Sambi, “Topographic position and lobi farmer in Bouna region in Côte d’Ivoire Nord-Estern,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 331–342, November 2021.