International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
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Metacognitive skills in the development of self-regulated learning in higher education students

[ Las habilidades metacognitivas en el desarrollo del aprendizaje autorregulado en los estudiantes de la Educación Superior ]

Volume 34, Issue 3, November 2021, Pages 433–444

 Metacognitive skills in the development of self-regulated learning in higher education students

Mabel Elizabeth Barriga Pizarro1, Silvia María Balón Pinillo2, Hillary Marissa Torres Ruiz3, María Clemencia Balseca Córdova4, and Raquel Aracely Asunción Parrales5

1 Instituto Tecnológico Superior Juan Bautista Aguirre, Daule, Ecuador
2 Departamento de Docencia de Ciencias Sociales, Unidad Educativa de FF. AA « Liceo Naval de Guayaquil, Cmdte. Rafael Andrade Lalama », Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación, Guayaquil, Ecuador
3 Centro de Idiomas, Instituto Superior Tecnológico « Juan Bautista Aguirre », Licenciada, Daule, Ecuador
4 Centro de Idiomas, Instituto Superior Tecnológico « Juan Bautista Aguirre », Licenciada, Daule, Ecuador
5 Instituto Tecnológico Superior Juan Bautista Aguirre, Daule, Ecuador

Original language: Spanish

Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Metacognition is a multifaceted conception, generated during educational investigations, mainly carried out during class experiences. This analysis has been handled under certain characteristics considered traditional until the situation generated by Covid-19. This work analyzes the relationship between metacognition and self-regulated learning in higher education students, through the analysis of the role that metacognitive skills have in the development of self-regulated learning in higher education students, through the study of the role of metacognitive skills in higher education. the development of self-regulated learning processes, during the 2020-2021 school period in which classes were taught in a virtual environment. The work was carried out with 50 volunteer students of the second and fourth cycle of an important higher education center, through systematic observation, and the application and analysis of a survey, it was concluded that metacognitive skills play an important role at the higher level. education students, through planning, monitoring and evaluation.

Author Keywords: Metacognition, education, students, development, university.

How to Cite this Article

Mabel Elizabeth Barriga Pizarro, Silvia María Balón Pinillo, Hillary Marissa Torres Ruiz, María Clemencia Balseca Córdova, and Raquel Aracely Asunción Parrales, “Metacognitive skills in the development of self-regulated learning in higher education students,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 433–444, November 2021.