[ Connaissances des enseignants sur l’approche par compétences (APC) et son application dans les Instituts Techniques Médicaux de la province du Sud-Ubangi, RDC ]
Volume 44, Issue 3, January 2025, Pages 571–578

ETOMBO wa LINGOMBELE Jupis1, MAMBESA BAINAMBOKA Martin2, MANGI BENDE Maurice3, Kadiata Bukasa Augustin4, and Tshitadi Makangu Augustin5
1 Licencié en sciences infirmières/EASI, RD Congo
2 Licencié en sciences infirmières/EASI, RD Congo
3 Licencié en sciences infirmières/EASI, RD Congo
4 Assistant, ISTM Mbandaka, Ville de Mbandaka, Province de l’Equateur, RD Congo
5 Didacticien des sciences de la santé et Professeur à l’ISTM Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The concept of the Competency-Based Approach (CBA) is far from being fully stabilized. It is understood in very different ways and translated through a number of variants in training curricula. There is a lack of support and involvement of teaching staff in secondary health sciences schools (ITM and IEM) in the implementation of the reform. So the CBA appears and remains as a slogan. This study aims to assess teachers' knowledge of the Competency-Based Approach and its application in the ITM/IEM of the province of Sud-Ubangi. This is a descriptive study. The data were collected using the survey method with the interview technique from 61 teachers in 4 schools including the ITM Salisa/Libenge, Molende/Tandala, Tobongisa/Banga-Bola, Saint Joseph/Bokonge. Graduate teachers dominate with 51% having done, for nearly 31% the hospital sector (19/61), followed by those who have done teaching and Administration in Nursing with 18% (11/61), then doctors with 13% (8/61). Teachers have enough knowledge on the APC but have not been formally trained. They accuse gaps in the use of educational documents in particular training and evaluation references. They sometimes use skills references. They certify a significant insufficiency of materials for the correct application of the APC. They are partially integrated into a pedagogy focused on the APC. This lack of impregnation of the teachers surveyed is linked to the lack of continuing training; the lack of mastery of the different methods used in APC and the insufficiency of educational documents, the lack of support on the APC during the school year and the bonus for mediocre services. A contextualization of the implementation of the APC is essential as an appropriate solution with continuing training and the development of a set of efficient monitoring and support strategies can contribute to the integration of the APC and the improvement of the quality of training of learners according to the standards of the health sciences education department.
Author Keywords: knowledge, pedagogy, skills-based approach.
Volume 44, Issue 3, January 2025, Pages 571–578

ETOMBO wa LINGOMBELE Jupis1, MAMBESA BAINAMBOKA Martin2, MANGI BENDE Maurice3, Kadiata Bukasa Augustin4, and Tshitadi Makangu Augustin5
1 Licencié en sciences infirmières/EASI, RD Congo
2 Licencié en sciences infirmières/EASI, RD Congo
3 Licencié en sciences infirmières/EASI, RD Congo
4 Assistant, ISTM Mbandaka, Ville de Mbandaka, Province de l’Equateur, RD Congo
5 Didacticien des sciences de la santé et Professeur à l’ISTM Kinshasa, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The concept of the Competency-Based Approach (CBA) is far from being fully stabilized. It is understood in very different ways and translated through a number of variants in training curricula. There is a lack of support and involvement of teaching staff in secondary health sciences schools (ITM and IEM) in the implementation of the reform. So the CBA appears and remains as a slogan. This study aims to assess teachers' knowledge of the Competency-Based Approach and its application in the ITM/IEM of the province of Sud-Ubangi. This is a descriptive study. The data were collected using the survey method with the interview technique from 61 teachers in 4 schools including the ITM Salisa/Libenge, Molende/Tandala, Tobongisa/Banga-Bola, Saint Joseph/Bokonge. Graduate teachers dominate with 51% having done, for nearly 31% the hospital sector (19/61), followed by those who have done teaching and Administration in Nursing with 18% (11/61), then doctors with 13% (8/61). Teachers have enough knowledge on the APC but have not been formally trained. They accuse gaps in the use of educational documents in particular training and evaluation references. They sometimes use skills references. They certify a significant insufficiency of materials for the correct application of the APC. They are partially integrated into a pedagogy focused on the APC. This lack of impregnation of the teachers surveyed is linked to the lack of continuing training; the lack of mastery of the different methods used in APC and the insufficiency of educational documents, the lack of support on the APC during the school year and the bonus for mediocre services. A contextualization of the implementation of the APC is essential as an appropriate solution with continuing training and the development of a set of efficient monitoring and support strategies can contribute to the integration of the APC and the improvement of the quality of training of learners according to the standards of the health sciences education department.
Author Keywords: knowledge, pedagogy, skills-based approach.
Abstract: (french)
La notion de l’Approche par Compétences (APC) est loin d’être entièrement stabilisée. Elle est comprise de manières très différentes et traduite à travers un certain nombre de variantes dans les curriculums de formation. Il se note un manque d’adhésion et d’implication du personnel enseignant des écoles secondaires des sciences de la santé (ITM et IEM) dans l’implantation de la réforme. Alors l’APC, apparait et reste comme un slogan. Cette étude a comme objectif d’évaluer les connaissances des enseignants sur l’Approche par compétences et son application dans les ITM/IEM de la province du Sud-Ubangi. Il s’agit d’une étude descriptive. Les données ont été collectées grâce à la méthode d’enquête avec la technique d’interview auprès de 61 enseignants dans 4 établissements scolaires dont les ITM Salisa/Libenge, Molende/Tandala, Tobongisa/Banga-Bola, Saint Joseph/Bokonge. Les enseignants gradués dominent avec 51% ayant fait, pour près de 31% la filière hospitalière (19/61), suivi des ceux qui ont fait l’enseignement et Administration en Soins Infirmiers avec 18% (11/61), puis les médecins avec 13% (8/61). Les enseignants ont assez des connaissances sur l’APC mais n’ont pas été formés de façon formelle. Ils accusent des lacunes dans l’utilisation des documents pédagogiques notamment les référentiels de formation et d’évaluation. Ils utilisent parfois les référentiels de compétences. Ils certifient une insuffisance notable des matériels pour l’application correcte de l’APC. Ils sont partiellement intégrés dans une pédagogie axée sur l’APC. Ce manque d’imprégnation des enseignants enquêtés est lié au manque de formation continue; la non maitrise des différentes méthodes utilisées en APC et l’insuffisance des documents pédagogiques, le manque accompagnement sur l’APC au cours de l’année scolaire et la prime des prestations médiocres. Une contextualisation de la mise en application de l’APC s’impose comme solution idoine avec des formations continues et le développement d’un ensemble des stratégies de suivi et d’accompagnement efficientes peuvent contribuer à l’intégration de l’APC et à l’amélioration de la qualité de formation des apprenants suivant les normes de la direction de l’enseignement des sciences de santé.
Author Keywords: connaissances, pédagogie, approche par compétences.
How to Cite this Article
ETOMBO wa LINGOMBELE Jupis, MAMBESA BAINAMBOKA Martin, MANGI BENDE Maurice, Kadiata Bukasa Augustin, and Tshitadi Makangu Augustin, “Teachers’ knowledge of the competency-based approach (APC) and its application in the Medical Technical Institutes of the province of Sud-Ubangi, DRC,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 571–578, January 2025.