[ Perception des patients sur la gestion informatisée des structures sanitaires confessionnelles en Ville de Bunia, Province de l’Ituri, République Démocratique du Congo ]
Volume 44, Issue 4, February 2025, Pages 1007–1015

Taingi Niclette Syntiche1 and Amuda Baba Dieu-Merci2
1 Assistante à l’Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Nyankunde (ISTM, Nyankunde), RD Congo
2 Professeur Associé, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Bunia (ISTM, Bunia), RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study was conducted in order to explore patients’ perception of the computerized management of faith-based health services in Bunia town. The ethnographic method supported by the semi-structured interview was used to carry out with 40 patients who had attended the two faith based health services using computerized management in Bunia town. After analysis, the study revealed the following: - The reception within these health facilities is good, but there is a problem of delay due to internet connection and also the mood of the staff. - Patients receive good guidance; - Data is well archived and easily retrieved; - Patients are completely confident about the security of their data, but they need the printed sheets; - The billing service works well with honesty and offers a good service for users. It is very fast when there is internet connection, but the prices are not changed as soon as it is fixed in the machine, and others have found it very expensive; - The respondents mentioned the focus of doctors only on the machine, some say that the doctors’ attention should first be on the patients and then on the machine and others have not observed any change despite this new system; - There is an improvement in health care, for others there is no difference with the traditional system. It was found that computerized management has no influence on the quality of health care, a part form the delay when the internet connection is low; - Generally speaking, the laboratory is fast if there is a good internet connection. In view of these results, it is necessary that new strategies be developed for the improvement of this computerized management system in health facilities.
Author Keywords: Patients, perception, computerized management, faith based, health facilities.
Volume 44, Issue 4, February 2025, Pages 1007–1015

Taingi Niclette Syntiche1 and Amuda Baba Dieu-Merci2
1 Assistante à l’Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Nyankunde (ISTM, Nyankunde), RD Congo
2 Professeur Associé, Institut Supérieur des Techniques Médicales de Bunia (ISTM, Bunia), RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study was conducted in order to explore patients’ perception of the computerized management of faith-based health services in Bunia town. The ethnographic method supported by the semi-structured interview was used to carry out with 40 patients who had attended the two faith based health services using computerized management in Bunia town. After analysis, the study revealed the following: - The reception within these health facilities is good, but there is a problem of delay due to internet connection and also the mood of the staff. - Patients receive good guidance; - Data is well archived and easily retrieved; - Patients are completely confident about the security of their data, but they need the printed sheets; - The billing service works well with honesty and offers a good service for users. It is very fast when there is internet connection, but the prices are not changed as soon as it is fixed in the machine, and others have found it very expensive; - The respondents mentioned the focus of doctors only on the machine, some say that the doctors’ attention should first be on the patients and then on the machine and others have not observed any change despite this new system; - There is an improvement in health care, for others there is no difference with the traditional system. It was found that computerized management has no influence on the quality of health care, a part form the delay when the internet connection is low; - Generally speaking, the laboratory is fast if there is a good internet connection. In view of these results, it is necessary that new strategies be developed for the improvement of this computerized management system in health facilities.
Author Keywords: Patients, perception, computerized management, faith based, health facilities.
Abstract: (french)
Cette étude a été réalisée dans le but d’explorer la perception des patients sur la gestion informatisée des services sanitaires confessionnelles en ville de Bunia. La méthode ethnographique appuyée par l’interview semi-structurée a servi pour sa réalisation auprès de 40 patients ayant fréquenté les deux structures confessionnelles utilisant la gestion informatisée en ville de Bunia. Les résultats obtenus après l’analyse et traitement des données révèlent ce qui suit: - L’accueil au sein de ces structures est bon, mais il y a un problème de retard suite à la connexion ainsi que l’humeur du personnel. - Les patients reçoivent une bonne orientation; - Les données sont bien archivées et retrouvées facilement. - Les patients sont totalement confiants pour la sécurité de leurs données, mais ils manifestent le besoin des fiches imprimées; - Le service de la facturation marche bien avec honnêteté, c’est très rapide lorsqu’il y’a la connexion, mais les prix ne sont pas modifiés dès que c’est fixé dans la machine; - Les enquêtés ont fait mention de la concentration de médecins beaucoup plus sur la machine, oubliant l’interaction avec les patients; - Bien qu’il y ait une amélioration de la prise en charge, certains trouvent qu’elle est chère, pour d’autres la gestion informatisée n’a pas d’influence sur la qualité de soins, mais il s’observe un retard de la prise en charge; - De manière générale, le laboratoire est rapide s’il y a la bonne connexion; - Le service de la pharmacie est très rapide lorsqu’il y a une bonne connexion. Au vu de ces résultats, il est nécessaire que des nouvelles stratégies soient développées pour améliorer ce système de gestion informatisée dans les formations sanitaires.
Author Keywords: perception, patients, gestion informatisée, structures sanitaires, confessionnelles.
How to Cite this Article
Taingi Niclette Syntiche and Amuda Baba Dieu-Merci, “Patients’ perceptions of computerized management of faith based health facilities in Bunia Town, Ituri Province, Democratic Republic of Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1007–1015, February 2025.