This research was carried out using 6 samples of banana peels from 6 municipalities of Kinshasa city in Democratic Republic of Congo, with a view to manufacturing indigenous salt.
These samples of determined masses, dried in the sun for a week, calcined in the open air gave more or less homogeneous ashes which, dissolved in hot distilled H_2 O in beakers of variable volumes (500, 600 mL), then filtered made it possible to obtain filtrates. These, subjected to heating at 300° C and evaporation, made it possible to obtain finished products with masses varying between 5 to 9 g, for durations ranging from 1h30 to 3h.
The hygroscopic indigenous salt was kept suspended over a hearth until completely dry and was well stored for possible use.
The present research is devoted to the proportional exploration of iron deficiency anemia in women of childbearing age consulted at the Open Clinic of Gombe in the city of Kinshasa in Democratic of Congo.
The study confirms high prevalence (20%) of iron deficiency anemia in female subjects who started gynecological activities, which knowledge makes it possible to establish adequate therapeutic care within our hospital structures. It also confirms that the biological analysis of markers of iron metabolism would allow the identification of iron deficiency in women of childbearing age.
The results concerning the analysis of blood samples, in particular ferritin, hemoglobin and the determination of the Mean Globular Volume (MCV) made it possible, in the context of the study, to identify iron deficiency in women of childbearing age from the selected sample.
A prospective study based on the prevalence of dyslipidemia was carried out in order to diagnose abnormalities in patients aged at least 50 years in consultation at the Riviera clinic in Bandalungwa in Kinshasa. The analysis of 50 blood samples from the subjects revealed in the distribution of patients, a male predominance with 62.0%, including 40.0% engaged in physical activities and 30.0% having a history of diabetes. 30.0% of cases manifested hypercholesterolemia and 14.0%, hyperLDLemia.
The study confirms the significant prevalence of dyslipidemia in healthy adults aged at least 50 years, linked to the association of several modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors in the population studied.
Present study concerned the prevalence of proteinuria diagnosed in 50 pregnant women received in prenatal consultation at the St Anne Health Center in the municipality of Selembao in Kinshasa. She revealed that these women have a high prevalence of proteinuria, most diagnosed in the second quater of pregnancy. Other urinary biochemical parameters are also disturbed. The results obtained made it possible to show the existence of pathologies endangering pregnant African women in general and Congolese women in particular. These data are to be taken into consideration during the CPN.
This article deals with the performance of pupils of the 5th and 6th Biochemistry in the learning on the preparation of titrated solutions in analytical chemistry by the Investigative Approach.
The implementation of this approach was the subject of a study in the framework of our doctoral thesis in didactics of chemistry, motivated by the lack of conceptual, practical and epistemological learning caused by the classical method of teaching -learning.
The study aimed to propose learning activities to arouse interest of pupils in learning analytical chemistry and to incite them to carry out best performances.
In the end, the thesis has shown that the investigative approach is one of the appropriate methods to improve the performance of the students concerned in the above-mentioned learning.
The survey conducted as part of our thesis work in chemistry didactics showed that during the implementation of the investigative approach in the preparation of titrated solutions in analytical chemistry, the scientific documentary resources at disposal of 6th biochemistry students don’t influence their interest to learn chemistry and don’t improve the understanding of subjects taught.
However, the availability of a laboratory at school has a positive impact on the trainings.
The survey also showed that the influence on learning varies according to factors such as gender and education network of 6th biochemistry students.
Our wish is that the investigative approach as a teaching –learning approach be implemented and in classes of 3rd all sections of secondary schools in order to objectively grasp the students’ interest in learning.