Such as environmental responsibility in the management of companies has grown significantly over the past four decades, several corrective measures must be taken into account in the business such as adopting a preventive approach against the pollution of the environment, the implementation of environmental management, marketing green, green production and green innovation to address the environmental damage.
According to Lebraty, CS (Crowdsourcing) is a realistic alternative to conventional outsourcing. This research will attempt to clarify the concept of crowdsourcing with reference to factors that determine it.
Marketing communications are becoming more and more the form of a dialogue between the company and its customers. Brands are no longer just asking how to contact their customers, but also how customers can contact and even how they can contact each other. The techniques used for this purpose are numerous, with Internet, fax, mobile and wireless applications. These technologies allow to move from mass communication to more targeted communication and two-way, in which consumers play an increasing role.
Nowadays information systems play a very important role in improving an organization's performance and its increased competitive capacity. Therefore, it is essential for organizations to decide what are the most important business processes and core competencies that have to be supported by an information system. However, recent trends in organizational development have demonstrated the importance of knowledge management, in this context; we are interested to this question: what is the boundary between information systems and knowledge management systems?
Researchers studying entrepreneurship have lent great value by exploring the factors that explain how entrepreneurs create new businesses and therefore, how societies and economies grow and prosper. Although there is considerable research based on psychological and economic approaches to entrepreneurship, the influence of cultural factors on the development of the company remains under study. However, the purpose of this article is to integrate, from a theoretical point of view, the socio-cultural factors and entrepreneurial activity.
This paper explores and reviews the ability of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to improve the transferability of knowledge. The aim here is to look beyond knowledge management at a general level. By distinguishing between the types of knowledge, a more thorough understanding of knowledge transfer is sought, and in particular of the role of ITCs in this process. ICTs favor the transfer of knowledge that can be codified and reduced to data. Of central concern here is what role, if any; do ICTs have with the knowledge management? This paper raises issues concerning the relationship between knowledge management and Information technology and communication.
In front of the evolution of the ecological pressure of the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) and labor unions (syndicates), and in front of increasing awareness of the consumers, the employees, and the shareholders, companies are obliged to transform theses pressures into run-up which urges them to improve and to create their core competencies and their green images and to introduce ecological innovations to guarantee their surviving.