Doctorante en Sciences économiques, Centre des études doctorales, Laboratoire de Modélisation Mathématique et Calculs Économiques (LM2CE), Faculté d’Économie et de Gestion, Hassan First University, Morocco
The information systems of health insurance companies in Morocco have presented countless problems, among which we count the inability to be adapted to the current economic and socio-cultural context. Indeed, the current information systems are considered obsolete: it doesn’t allow communication between internal subsystems as well as with external partners. As a result, the insurance companies have to face a situation where the loss of income due to this outdated system could ultimately turn into heavy losses. So, an overhaul of these systems can be considered as an obligation and not a choice. In this situation, involving Big Data information in order to have more efficient systems might be considered as a possible solution. This article will therefore be an attempt of information system conception that could allow insurance health organizations to combine traditional data and Big Data for a more performant insurance system.