Centre d’Etude et de Recherche en Education et Interventions Sociales pour le Développement (CEREID), Institut National de l’Education Physique et du Sport (INEPS), Université d’Abomey- Calavi, Benin
Since 2003, Benin has moved from a centralized state as a single regulatory body to an autonomous local community offering the conditions for all actors to intervene in local economic development. The local approach to economic development claims to be based on entrepreneurial dynamics. Thus, through the creation of enterprises, entrepreneurship is involved in the regeneration of the local economic fabric. The present study, which is based on empirical data, has highlighted the role played by Beninese municipalities in the entrepreneurial dynamics of young people and the constraints that hinder their development. These constraints include lack of funding, the weak role of local authorities, administrative burdens, land tenure, lack of support structures for young people, the weak role of civil society, etc. The study also paved the way for better prospects for promoting youth entrepreneurship at the local level in Benin.