Our concern in this article is to demonstrate that food is the foundation of human rights. It is the first right that we must claim because through it we remain alive and pretend to do the most derisory things. Indeed, the food that man consumes is the essential element of the generation, conservation and maintenance of life and therefore of the conservation of the human species. As such, talking about human rights is therefore ipso-facto like giving sustained attention to food. And, there is no human right that can be guaranteed without food.
In many cases, foreigners are considered to be non-rights holders as well as in developed countries that are the donors and/or developers of universal human rights theories as in sub-countries.developed said today emerging who undergo them as good students. In one or the other side of these countries, the margin between written and verbal language in relation to everyday life is a reality that challenges more than one conscience.
We help you through these few lines to emerge in a somewhat objective way, anything remaining, to relativize the negative vision that is stuck to foreigners both in the so-called «civilizing» Western countries and those of the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America considered «sheep of the first».