Laboratoire de Physique et de Chimie de l’Environnement (LPCE), Département de Physique, Université Joseph KY-ZERBO, Ouagadougou, Kadiogo, Burkina Faso
The aim of this work is to implement an experimental bench for pre-selecting potential fluids that would have the property of filtering the sun’s rays from inappropriate spectral bands for photovoltaic cells. In fact, they are responsible of the overheating and low efficiency. For this purpose, an experimental set-up based on in situ recording is applied. It adopts a comparative process of the effects of fluid layers on the electrical production and operating temperature of photovoltaic solar cells. A total of fifteen (14) fluids were analyzed for their ability to improve ICC current and reduce the operating temperature of PV cells. From this study, it emerged that three of the fluids tested, in particular the combination {vinegar + hydo alcohol}, the combination {sugar water + salt water} and vinegar, resulted in permanently positive increases in the Icc characteristic of around +25%, +26,57% and 5,69% accompanied by a decrease in the operating temperature of the cells of around 30%, 22% and 24%, respectively. Other fluids also had an average positive effect on the Icc current, such as sunflower oil (+1.5%), bleach (+3%) and yellow engine fluid (+3%). On the other hand, these stocks showed fluctuations that could become negative. The main observation is that the spectral splitting action is not constant and varies in real time.