In Niger, land used for silvo-pastoral purposes has for many years been the subject of restoration work with a view to strengthening the resilience of local populations. The aim of this study is to investigate the quality of fodder species in sylvo-pastoral sites developed on plateaux. The approach consisted of sampling and analysing the dominant species. A total of 19 samples of different species were taken. The parameters determined were dry matter (DM), mineral matter (MM), organic matter (OM), fat matter (FM), total protein or nitrogenous matter (TNM) and crude fibre (CF). The fodder value (FV) and digestible nitrogen matter (DNM) were deducted. The DM, MM, OM, FM, TNM and CF content varied respectively from 95.30 to 97.17%; from 5.11 to 16.68%; from 78.02 to 94.89%; from 1.71 to 12.21%; from 4.03 to 15.41%; and from 17.68 to 37.26% of fodder dry matter. The FV and DNM values ranged from 0.35 to 0.67 F.U/KgDM and from 19.70 to 90.70 g/KgDM respectively. Poaceae, which dominate the forage, are the lowest in protein and have a high cellulose content.