Irrigation water quality has significant importance in dry region that have high temperature and low humidity. Mechanical properties and physical properties are stability, porous, soil structure and hydraulic directing relative to exchange ion in irrigation. We can control problem due to pollution in environment level and water resources and can increase products performance. Eatable vegetable are in border with respect to consumption process and should be evaluate because of gathering different elements such as heavy metal like sorb, calcium, corm, Niche, Mercury, Arsenic, cobalt. Model output is depending on application method and reuse method of effluent. Also filterable effluent volume, weather situation, cost and investment level and each value are other effective factors. Recommendation are filtration, Earth filter and soon. We can attribute part of filter to irrigation system trend. Also we can avoid of effluent mix apply or effluent alternative application. Najafi (2002) shows that subsurface drop irrigation filtration application has meaningful effect on complementary treatment and effluent pollution load decrease. Capra & Semicolon (2004) present best mods for drop irrigation filtration. The reaction is done until third equation if there are not sulfate-reducing bacteria. Sulfide ions produced strongly affect to anodize and catholic reactions. In this article we are evaluating salt concentration and exiting sewage electrical directing of Isfahan Oil Refinery Company for application in green environment.
EOR method evaluation is performing for petroleum gravity, stone type, and tank humectant and tank localities conditions for liquid injection. If the frame is humectant, petroleum exit will perform whenever the pressure is more than threshold; this is controllable by the height of tank block. Experiments and experimental data for recovery capillary absorption are according to data in 1950. Brownscoble & Dyse (1952) studied the ability of water absorption in the sandstone lands. The studies have been done on the tube lines, land and the metal workforces that are related to the oil and gas industries, shows that in most cases, weld lines and edge of a sharp regions has been influencing on location of corrosion and eroding of effective thickness of coating film. In this study we studied EOR methods for dense oil recovery from mold in the breakage tanks. Analyze and comparison of recovery with capillarity of salty water, polymeric solution and hot water on different sample of rocks showed high recovery of dense row oil in the EOR methods, and it is more detected in the diluted row oil. Oil (diluted) can recover by water injection in the sand stone condition and with chemical matter and thermal methods. Hot water recovery is more rapid and higher than chemical recovery.
Polymeric phosphates in detergents are used widely in construction and hence have a significant concentration in the wastewater. Phosphate may result in sewage and industrial waste is waste from the body. Phosphate caused a rapid growth of aquatic plants such as algae and it is disturbing factor in the treatment processes. For example, concentrations in the range ppm 2/0 in order to reduce the turbidity of water contract will play the role of the intruder. Nitrogen gas (N2) and the primary component of natural gas and the atmosphere is extremely stable. Nitrogen is a component of proteins. Chlorophyll and Nitrogen also is found in many biological compounds. Nitrate fertilizers polluting groundwater and surface water sources are in nature. Presentation of the nitrate concentration in milligrams per liter (Mg NO3L) or milligrams per liter nitrogen as nitrate (Mg NO3-NL) has caused many problems and errors. There is no significant difference between the two units. The combination of infection for humans in Europe the nitrate directive committee row is non-toxic compounds. This paper examines the effects of phosphate and nitrate in the plant in ShahinShahr Use of water, steam Oil Refinery reviewed and analyzed and the results are listed at the end.
Corrosion, from long time before was a greatest problem in oil and gas industry and experts have always tried to combat this major problem. This has been given to the corrosion and inspection in oil and gas industry. Corrosion in oil and gas wells has the electrochemical mechanism, When the system reaches a temperature below the dew point, moisture is converted to liquid and many droplets occurs on the pipe's wall. In the electrochemical reaction, water plays role of the electrolyte. The water that creates was not corrosion by itself. When the acidic gases such as H2S and CO2 are dissolved in water create an acidic environment which in the vicinity of the steel will cause severe corrosion. Sometimes in oil wells, oxygen is one of the corrosive gases too. In the oil and gas industries, corrosion may be localized or uniform. Localized corrosion, can be create under the insulators, sediment and bacteria, was 10 to 100 times faster than uniform corrosion lead to destruction and there are many costs and risks associated with it.
Look of unit 100 separating needed cuts for continuing the process and producing LAB of Oil cuts C10 _ C13 which is required. These are separated by two distillation towers. In the first tower called (STRIPPER COLUMN T_101) that consist of so trays, lighter cuts of C10 that are called LIGHT END. Are separated and the product of the lower level of tis tower goes to the 2nd tower called. This one consist of 60 Trays. In the bottom of tower products that are heavier than C13 and called heavy end are separated, and the products of the tower, as main products of unit 100 go to the unit 200 for hydrotreating. The purpose of using two tower is that in lower temperatures lighter materials get separated and in higher temperatures higher materials get separated.
Corrosion is one of the major problems in the oil and gas industry is one that automatically allocates huge sums annually. Polyurethane is a thermoses polymer with various applications. Using form this polymer has spread for military applications by Otto Bayer in 1930. In one general look polyurethane is product of Iso Syanate and ploy with each other, So that: Iso + ploy = polyurethane. Spend large cost for application and launching oil and gas transitions, has cleared the necessity protection from them agonist corrosion. In this direction protection coating with specific properties such as high electricity resistance presented to market by various companies that each of them has special advantage and disadvantages. In this research has tried while analysis coatings specifications of gas and oil transitional pipelines, has compared properties and common qualities of them with each other.
The corrosion of pipelines' coatings is one of the main problems in oil and gas industries for which a large amount of money is spent each year. Coating is the first defense line in front of a corrosive environment in which pipes have been buried. Good function of coating depends on its adhesiveness rate to the metal surface. Initial adhesiveness and its durability in the contact conditions are among those factors that enhance coating efficiency in long term. Coverage in line pipes include of high costs. For this selecting cover and how apply is high important. Three fold polyethylene's include of epoxy layers, adhesive and polyethylene. Each other from layers having attributes that increasing its application for long term. Polyethylene layer is good shelter for prevent of physical damages. In attention to corrosion in lower temperature is an electrochemical reaction and rate of a electrochemical reaction is very impress of a element or very reactor from surface.
Water molecules by making hydrogen joint with its molecules creates holes in which quest molecules will be trapped and by creating van deer Waals joint with water molecules, hydrates crystals will be produced. Natural gas and crude oil in natural exist in underground reservoirs are in contact with water. Hydration needs condition which consists of having water in pipe line, high pressure (pressure always is high because of reinforcing gas pressure in gas transportation pipe lines), low temperature (temperature is always low in cold seasons of year), and presence of hydrate-making substances like methane, carbon dioxide, and... There are four methods to prevent hydration. This article will focus on analyzing synthetic inhibitors, and their function the task orders are as followed: 1. Synthetic investigation of hydrate formation with and without presence of inhibitor. 2. Using Kashchiev- Firozabad model and experimental data of gas transporting pipe lines for drawing synthetic graphs of gas hydrates formation with presence of synthetic inhibitors.
The management of the car the water exposes to some serious crisis and problems such as inadequacy of water, The lack of access to the clean and health water, The quality of controlling the water sources, The disruption in the management of water sources, decreasing the financial source, The lack of Knowledge in the decision makers, and The security of the society being exposes to the danger considering the happened problems and crisis, different methods of managing the water sources such as The management based on the supply of water, the integral management of water sources and effective ways has grown up by passing of time. For the present time, safe guarding the water sources is one of the aims of the regimes of water sources management in agriculture, as one of the biggest consumers of water sources, The management of water sources is performed in two parts of supply and demand and according to the available limitations, special attention is paid to the of consumer's request.
Erosion is one of the important unlikely problems in oil refining industry that produces many damages and values to refining parts. In other part stop of refining operation for repairing is very expensive. Many erosions are happened in refining operations when equipments are placed to atmosphere, Powerful acids, eruption gases, hydrocarbon vampires and high temperature make very complex situation in oil refining industry, Monotonous erosion, cavity erosion rubbing erosion, stress split are more common erosions in oil refining systems that will be search in this survey.