The environmental protection accounts for 0% of the activity of county court, which gave 665 judgements between 2009 and 2013. These judgements, sanctioned a series of traditional and heterogenous infringements. In spite of many consecrations on the legal and even constitutional; the assessments on the application of environment law give a report on the inexistence of number judgements pronounced by this jurisdiction. Powders with the eyes?
Out of the law of lot of hunting actions and the community participations in the management of Congolese fauna, the fauna regime encourages paradoxically development of illegal operations. Different legislations have intervened at different times of Congo independent history and did not encourage the dynamic participations of the local communities and other local actors in wildlife resources administrations.
Since its accession to the independence, the Democratic Republic of Congo knew a succession of the disorders and wars with negative impacts on its economic tissue, its social and cultural development. The succession of wars which the R.D. Congo especially in its East part knew maintained a climate of insecurity in the National Park of Kahuzi-Biega and its periphery, more precisely in Health area of Cibumbiro in the health Zone of Miti-Murhesa and much more in its littoral part with the National Park of Kahuzi-Biega. The war of Rwanda and the massive arrival of the Rwandan refugees in RDC involved wars known as of "release", the creation of the militia and groups armed and conflicts between the ethnos Congolese Groups. This conflict generated many cases of plundering, rapes and massacres, which generated the disappearance of domestic fauna. Plundering themselves make lose 49 % of the domestic cattle and the fear of future plundering made the disappearance of its 51% ; such are the principal causes of the disappearance of domestic fauna in the health area of Cibumbiro.