Little or no data support the idea that orthodontic treatment is needed at any age to prevent the development of temperomandibular dysfunction. First it is not a single joint but a pair of joints working in tandem and in a well-coordinated manner to meet functional demands. Second, unlike other joints of the body where movements of the joint are determined by functional demands and anatomy of the joint, the path of movements and position of the Temperomandibular joint at rest are determined by the teeth of either jaw which the joint helps to keep in an occluded position. The frequency of TMJ complaints has multiplied in the last few years. This may have been brought about by the increased stresses of our fast paced world, or at least we now recognize that there is a stress strain tension release syndrome that often manifests itself with nocturnal Para functional activity. Temperomandibular disorder may be considered a cluster of joint and muscle disorders in the orofacial region which is characterized by pain, joint sounds such clicking and irregular or deviating jaw function.This article reviews the various aspects of temperomandibular joint involving on orthpodontic diagnosis and various treatment approach.
Deepbite and open bite presents an orthodontist with challenge in any of its much form. Diagnosis, treatment planning and appropriate mechanics form a backbone of successful orthodontic treatment of these kinds of vertical problems. Patients with this kind of malocclusion can be diagnosed clinically and cephalometrically, however, diagnosis should be viewed in the context of the skeletal and dental structure. Vertical growth is the last dimension to be completed, therefore treatment may appear to be successful one point and fail later. Some treatment may be prolonged if begun early. This article reviews diagnosis, control of vertical dimension which aims at striking a balance between the soft- tissues and the dento - alveolar and skeletal structures. So far various techniques have been tried both successfully and unsuccessfully, both surgically and orthodontically (Even a combination of both).