This study reports the results of research on the production and marketing of market gardening in Lubumbashi. The approach used is the analysis of the situation by comparing the level of production, that is to say the crop yields with the flow of prices observed on the market during a period of 12 months spread over two years, from September 2018 to August 2019. From these results, it appears that the areas allocated to market garden crops are small: between a maximum of 0.1 ha per member in associations and 0.8 ha for farmers. The average yields obtained on all the crops concerned vary between 12.3 tons of pepper per hectare in an association against 13.5 tons per hectare on a farm and 33.4 tons per hectare of cabbage in an association against 37.7 tons per hectare in a farm. In addition, market gardening is mostly seasonal in the different sites: more intense in the dry season. On the market, demand for vegetables is permanent over time with peak periods in the rainy season, between November and February. The potato is the product that sells best, its price varies between 1810.5 Congolese Francs and 3143.4 Congolese Francs per kg, while the cabbage has the lowest price of a kg which has varied between 950 and 985 Congolese francs during the observation periode.