Departement de Psychologie, Enseignant-chercheur Université Omar Bongo, Assistant en psychologie du travail et des organisations, Membre du Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes en Psychologie (CREP), Libreville, Gabon
This paper focuses on the presentation of the challenges of the job analysis process within an organizational structure. This is to show that the job analysis also allows this organizational structure to rationally collect information on the responsibilities of their job holders, the tasks and activities that he must perform in order to fulfill his responsibilities. In other words, a job description is necessary, in order to recruit effectively or to assess the performance of an employee. As part of a research-action approach, we carried out an analysis of the positions within this company, and we will present the job analysis of the computer system manager position and the analysis of this case study, in order to verify our working hypotheses.