After several years of lethargy, the revitalization of school sports is driven by a political will implemented since 2016. Have the milestones laid in the high schools of the Dakar academy inspection promoted a real revival? The answers coming the coordinators during their semi-structured interviews indicate much more the renewal of the defunct USUSA system than real changes. The creation of the regional committee for the management and revival of school sports has not yet succeeded in rolling out all the forecasts of the plans. There has never been a national festival. In high schools, levies are made on the students’ enrolment for financing these activities. The confusion between school sport and physical and sports education by the administrations has not favored an effective management of the sports activities of associations, which are almost limited to football and basketball. Despite the establishment of the coincidence between the hours of PSE and SS, the coordinators hardly mobilize students as desired because of the resistance of some teachers who have them in class during certain matches, the lack of follow-up of young talents, the interest in cognitive disciplines carried especially by parents, etc. Finally, the financial motivation of PSE teachers that is considered insufficient has been remained the same. Some of them, certainly monitors, engage in parallel lucrative activities.