The objective of this article is to study the link between stress and productivity of individuals who are exposed to the front office. Still underestimated and always physical and mental overload of work. Indeed, it is mainly the people who perform a repetitive task and execution that may have a negative effect on business productivity and psychic decompression problems or burnout. However, managers and business leaders do not pay much attention to this threat which can also address the moral and physical health of employees. The pragmatic leaders concerned about the achievement of profitability targets, limits them to a narrow vision of economic risks to their societies, hence they express negligence in relation to preventive measures against stress. Our work is a study on the causal link between stress and productivity through the exploitation of the Karasek questionnaire. Finally, faced with these results, we present the principles of the solution and the interest of studying the causes of Burnout.
The objective of this article is to study the problem of employability in Morocco (1), applying the logical framework approach (2). We begin by defining the principle of this approach. Then, using matrix formulation of the logical framework, we will detail the different components of the latter. Our work is based on two approaches to knowledge. - The vertical logic : identifies what the project aims to improve, clarifies the causal relationships and specifies the important assumptions and uncertainties beyond the control of project management. - The horizontal logic : relates to the measurement of the effects of the project and the resources it has mobilized, identifying key indicators and sources that verify them. Finally, faced with these results, we present the principles of the solution implementation and the interests of using this project management tool.