Laboratoire des milieux Naturels et Conservation de la Biodiversité, Université Felix Houphouët-Boigny, UFR Biosciences, Laboratoire d’Hydrobiologie, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
The purpose of this study, is to determine the quality of small dams of the North and Center of Côte d’Ivoire base on the analysis of the aquatic macroinvertebrate community. Sampling took place from june 2016 to june 2018 in 08 stations with three in the Center and five in the North. In the Center, five classes (Achaetes, Bivalves, Oligochaetes, Gastropods and Insects), 10 oders and 35 families have been identified while in the North 3 classes (Achaetes, Gastropods, Insects), 11 oders and 36 families were recorded. The average score per taxon showned that water quality of North stations is good and the quality of water in the Center is average. Besides, taxa EPT percent signified that thes stations are influenced by anthropical activities.
The fishing typology on the Buyo Lake Dam was studied monthly from July 2017 to June 2018. For this purpose, a questionary survey was administered to fishers, interviews were held with the lake managers and direct observations of the field were made. Fishing in this reservoir is of the artisanal type, practiced individually by Ivorians from non-Ivorians. A total, 215 fishermen were identified, including 70.7% Malians, 24.18% Ivorians and 5.12% Burkinabe. The fishing activity is dominated by fishermen of Bozo ethnicity from Mali (67.91%). Fishing is mostly practiced by adults ranging in age between 30 and 45 years and includes both professional fishermen and occasional. Most actors have no level of study. Only 11.54% of Ivorians have a primary level while 9.2% of non-Ivorians have done Koranic school. Gillnets are the most used catching gear. The low level of education of fishermen and the meshes below the standard they use are a real obstacle to the sustainable management of fisheries resources.