The spatial distribution of rainfall and land use has important consequences for the hydrological and hydrogeological behaviour of a watershed. This study aims to better understand the impact of this distribution on aquifer recharge in the Bandama watershed. The spatialization of rainfall from isohyets, shows that it varies between 1200 mm and 1700 mm. The basin displays five (5) classes of land use that are: (1) dense forests, (2) open forests and / or savannahs, (3) shrub savannas, (4) bare soils and localities, and (5) water. The water balance shows that the excess which gives the surface flow and seepage is 348 mm upstream (Korhogo), and only 119 (Yamoussoukro) downstream. The total amount of water flowing over the Bandama basin at Yamoussoukro is 164.86 mm; which corresponds to an annual volume of run-off water of 4.338109 m3. The infiltrated water slide is 73.18 mm; which equates to an annual quantity of infiltrated water of 1.874109 m3.