The experience of pregnancy, accompanied by physical and emotional changes, will have an impact on the couple's sexuality. The purpose of this study is to focus on the issue of sexuality during pregnancy, to look at its variations and describe the different changes in sexual parameters. In our study about 170 cases, 91.76% continue to have sexual intercourse during pregnancy, 7.6% thought it could be responsible for miscarriages, infection or bleeding in 26% and 20% respectively. The main reason for the continuation of the sexual intercourse was looking for husband’s pleasure and the preparation and facilitation of delivery. In contrast, female pleasure was expressed in only 4% of women, discomfort at the time of the sexual act dominated the reasons for which sex was stopped or spaced.
There has been a gradual downward trend in most sexual parameters: frequency of sexual intercourse, sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, and frequency of orgasm.