The study of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the coast between abouakro and assouindé was carried out from the analysis of the average profiles of beaches over the period 2015-2017. This analysis showed that the morphology of the studied beaches is dominated by a rectilinear shape on the Aboukro-Village station, while it alternates between concave and convex shape on all the beaches of Aboukro- Cokiplage at Assouindé-Valtur. The profiles show low slopes (2%) in periods of low marine agitation (December-February) and medium slopes (7%) in periods of strong agitation (July-September). The study of the evolutionary trend has highlighted an alternating dynamic between erosion and enrichment of the beaches depending on the swell climate, which gives a relatively stable character to this area. This stability is disturbed by exceptional swells which cause significant erosion and a notable advance of the coastline with rates of retreat of more than 3 meters.