The evangelization of the Catholic religion carried out 100 years in the parish of Bobandana whose seat is established in Minova, in South Kivu, in the DR Congo.
Indeed, this article clearly shows that the Catholic religion has settled in a socio-cultural environment with strong traditional religious knowledge and practices, some of which resemble those of the Western religion. Throughout its establishment, the Church has invested in several fields; At the end of the centenary, the balance sheet is still mixed. For, on the spiritual plane, despite the fact that this Parish allowed the creation of other Parishes and that there was an increase of a significant number of the Catholic believers in this earth; We deplore, however, the very advanced disintegrating character which strikes his Church almost abandoned by the ecclesiastical authorities of her diocese. From the point of view of development, the parish of Bobandana has contributed considerably to the opening up of the environment by opening major roads leading to the large urban centers. In addition, it has reversed itself in education through the creation of primary and secondary schools with the active support of the local population. Moreover, in the agro-pastoral sector, new plants, new animals and breeding stock have been introduced into the environment. However, we deplore a Eurocentrist approach which does not often take account of local cultural realities in order to promote the spiritual and socio-economic development of the sons and daughters of this parish. The diocesan authorities seem to discriminate against them, Causes are unknown.
The Congolese state by its constitution of February 18, 2016 in Articles 22 and 37 enshrines the rights free access to any person to express his faith through a church of their choice. However, this freedom is often badly exploited by the followers of these churches called awakening, the most involved in day length pray and sing ignoring the neighborhood that is to say the environment in which they operate. The sounds they produce are an inconvenience to others, which sounds prejudice to the environment. These uproars are often a source of conflict between the authors and the surrounding people often feel a pop, so that some people are forced to enter the judicial bodies or municipal authorities to stress the churches to reduce their noise or outright stop. But often these disputes are ongoing and the state fails to apply the rigor of the law in this matter against offenders. While CCCLIII Article 258 provides for penalties and compensation from the author of the unlawful act to benefit the victims of these uproars.