In this paper, a proposal for extending the fuzzy logic framework to researcher’s performance evaluation using the good properties of robustness and interpretability of compensatory fuzzy logic is presented. Results obtained with our model are more consistent with the way human make decisions. Additionally a case study to illustrate the applicability of the proposal is developed. Our main outcome is a new researcher’s evaluation based on compensatory fuzzy logic that gives results that are more robust and allows compensation. Moreover, this approach makes emphasis in using language in line with the computing with words paradigm.
Water is a renewable but limited resource because of anthropogenic factors and the worsening rainfall that reduce availability. The West Africa in general and the Watershed of Niger in particular is experiencing a downward trend of their rainfall regime. It is in this context that the present study is to investigate which on surface water and groundwater resources in the the Watershed of Niger in Benin. The methodology is based on the interpretation of rainfall data, hydroecoregions map design highlighting the availability of surface water followed by a geological photo-interpretation for a better knowledge of infiltration areas. The results of this study showed a high availability of surface water resources of 54.22% of the basin area. The low slope gradient so that material of the fracturing network predisposes the basement of the basin to a good availability for groundwater. Thus, the flow rate (<5 m3/s) developed by implanted drilling shows that the whatershed of Niger has significant amount of groundwater especially in the North East, where the developed flow rates exceed 83 m3/s.
The study aimed to assess the risk linked to the consumption of beef meat. A total of 108 beef meat samples composed of 54 fresh beef and 54 braised beef « Choukouya » samples were collected in Bouaké and Korhogo. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium spp. and Salmonella spp. were isolated according to the French standard. The results showed that the bacterial contamination rates ranged from 88 to 100% and 66 to 100% for fresh and braised meat, respectively. In total, 89% braised beef showed microbial loads beyond the limit of acceptability and Salmonella spp. was found in 11.1% of the samples. The probability of ingestion of contaminated braised beef was 0.52. The consumer survey revealed that 12.9% reported daily consumption of braised beef. After braised beef consumption, 16.4% of consumers reported that they contracted a foodborne illness. Symptoms most often mentioned were diarrhea (63.6%) and fever (22.7%). The etiologic fraction and the attributable risk were estimated at 84% and 77%, respectively. In conclusion, Braised beef meat sold in the streets of Bouaké and Korhogo represent a potential risk of poisoning for the consumer. It is therefore recommended that VBB leather well and improves hygienic practices to preserve the consumers’ health.
Justice perceptions are important reactions in the performance appraisal context. Several studies focused on what makes appraisals fair and the consequences of appraisal fairness. But it is difficult to evaluate one teacher objectively and fairly using the traditional evaluation method for the influencing factors are more and complex.
In recent years, the fuzzy logic techniques have been successfully applied in comprehensive evaluations instead of traditional mathematical models when evaluating the performance of Teacher. The flexibility of the model allows the supervisor to introduce vagueness, uncertainty, and subjectivity into the evaluation system.
The current study aims to identify the impact of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE) on the teacher Perception of justice evaluation (distributive justice, procedural justice, informational justice and interpersonal justice (.
The perceived fairness of the performance evaluation was tested using the Solomon four group design data) two experimental and two control (. The two way-ANOVA results indicated that changes in fairness perception scores was significant and teachers perceived the FCE to be fairer. Compared with other method, this mathematical model has better appraisal effect and can reduce the influence of human factors, improve the accuracy and fairness of the evaluation.
In a dynamic and highly competitive environment, companies continuously encounter internal and external threats that may affect their business performance. To gain a competitive advantage, organizations should seek to turn these threats into opportunities. By introducing Competitive Intelligence (CI) as a process of gathering and protecting material and immaterial resources to influence the environment, companies can use its functions to anticipate, assess, and manage risk. This is especially recommended to small and medium sized business (SMEs) which are the most exposed to risk; however, risk management and CI functions are highly overlooked in the field on SMEs due to limited human and financial resources. Today, SMEs need to embed CI in risk management in order to respond timely to risk, reduce losses, and increase revenue.
The objective of this study is to analyze the role of CI in risks identification, prevention and control, and develop a model suitable for SMEs that illustrates how these companies can anticipate risks and influence the environment through CI process.
In a world more and more marked with urbanization and then exposed to high risks of increasing yearly population growth, water has hold a paramount place. Water has then become a more and more vital need for people. This fact requires an important consideration in West Africa in general, and in the Nikki district in particular. Despite efforts over years for the mastery of techniques in setting up water fountains, an important part of the population of the Nikki district still lack water. The objective of the present research work is to work out those water fountains in order to evaluate their spatial distribution and their functioning. The methodology used here is exclusively based on the use of attributive and spatial data. To reach the goal of the present study, the Thiessen polygon has been generated. The obtained results have come together to display their spatial distribution and their functioning as well. The average rate of water provision in the district of Nikki is 57.2%, which is below the 67% norm. Only of the seven precincts that make the Nikki district have an average rate of water provision reaching 85%, which is largely beyond the norm. From those data, one can learn that water fountains are unevenly distributed on the land of the Nikki district. This must be improved in order to provide the population with potable water on short distances and with less waste of time for them.
The study aimed to discuss the issue of addiction and impact of abuse on social peace, researcher has used the descriptive and analytical approach, the study sample consisted of (100) inhabitant of El Geneina, as the researcher used to measure the scale effects of drug abuse on social peace, data were analyzed using software (SPSS) using a computer. The result of the study there is a negative correlation between drug abuse and social peace, (and this means that the greater the prevalence of drug use less social peace) study and reached a number of recommendations, the most important, the establishment of centers for the rehabilitation of addicts mandate and border control and attention to monitoring to prevent drugs entering through neighboring countries.
Energy is one of the essential requirements to alleviate poverty and socioeconomic advancement. Most of the rural area is not under the national grid; therefore, electrification in rural area is the crying need of Bangladesh. Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh has issued its vision to bring the entire country under electricity service by the year 2030. The reserve of fossil fuel is diminishing; also the price of fuel is increasing throughout the world. Environmental pollution is another important issue. Green energy is current demand for the existence of future world. For that reason, reducing carbon emission and meeting energy demands are the main topologies to plan energy systems. As Bangladesh is an agricultural based country, biomass resources are available here and there is also good prospect of solar energy. Now-a-days CAES (Compressed Air Energy Storage) is another potential resource in the world. In this paper, a solar-biomass-CAES hybrid system is proposed for electrification of rural area in Bangladesh.
Mullerian duct anomalies are the most common congenital anomalies of the reproductive system and septate uterus is the most frequently diagnosed Müllerian anomaly.
Almost associating with urinary tract anomalies such as horseshoe or pelvic kidney, renal agenesis, duplication of the collecting system, or ectopic uterus. Septate uterus is one type of congenital uterine anomalies, in which there is a septum from the fundus to the cervix. Currently, it is believed that hysteroscopic metroplasty is a leading choice for patients if their recurrent spontaneous abortion is resulted from septate uterus.
This study consists at a trial production and the mycelien filament multiplication starting by pleurotus florida mushroom spores on the different media by using local ingredients.
Our results have shown that there are bacteries which are developed in medium locally prepared by ingredient. We decided to try spores in these media. In general we chose six media by using soja, tomatoes, irish potatoes, carrots, corns and milk.
Our laboratory experiences have given us positive results in multiplying mycelien fragment. But only filament productions with spores in carrot milieu gave negative result.
We thought that our different media may easily replace media coming from myciculture activities.
Introduction: L'amylose localisée ou pseudo-tumorale est caractérisée par un dépôt de protéines fibrillaires dans un site de l'organisme sans atteinte systémique. La localisation trachéo-bronchique est la plus fréquente des amyloses respiratoires. Elle doit être évoquée devant toute lésion sténosante d'allure bénigne.
Objectifs: A travers deux observations, nous allons étudier la forme pseudo-tumorale de l’amylose localisée trachéo-bronchique.
Observation1: patient âgé de 40 ans, sans antécédents pathologiques notables, qui consulte pour dyspnée inspiratoire évoluant depuis un an, associée à une toux sèche, sans autres signes extra respiratoires. La tomodensitométrie a objectivé une sténose trachéale avec des calcifications, étendue sur les grosses bronches. Une endoscopie bronchique rigide a été réalisée objectivant un épaississement circonférentiel de la trachée, s'étendant jusqu’aux grosses bronches avec réduction de son diamètre de plus de 50%. Des biopsies ont été réalisées. L’examen anatomopathologique a posé le diagnostic d’amylose trachéo-bronchique.
Observation2: Patiente de 52 ans, diabétique sous ADO. Elle présente depuis 2 mois une toux et une dyspnée inspiratoire et expiratoire, avec un Wheezing à L’examen pleuro-pulmonaire. La TDM thoracique montre un processus tissulaire du segment initial de la trachée (en sous glottique). La fibroscopie bronchique note un bourgeon circonférentiel. Le diagnostic de l’amylose était retenu sur les résultats de la biopsie du bourgeon.
Discussion: L’amylose trachéo-bronchique dans sa forme pseudo-tumorale est la plus fréquente de l’amylose respiratoire, elle se caractérise par un dépôt sous muqueux de la substance amyloïde le plus souvent du type AL dans les formes primaires et de type AA dans les formes secondaires. La symptomatologie est celle d’une sténose des voies aérienne ainsi elle peut mimer une tumeur d’allure bénigne ou un asthme. L’imagerie caractérise l’atteinte et pourra suspecter le diagnostic, l’endoscopie bronchique est primordial en visualisant la lésion et réalisant des biopsies. L’histologie confirme la nature amyloïde de la lésion par la coloration spéciale au rouge congo et l’étude immunohistochique.
Conclusion: L’amylose trachéo-bronchique localisée est rare. Le diagnostic est anatomopathologique basé sur la coloration par le rouge Congo. L’étude immunohistochimique est nécessaire afin de déterminer le type de l’amylose. Le pronostic dépend de la symptomatologie et les possibilités thérapeutiques.
La légumineuse fixe une certaine quantité d’azote dans l’atmosphère. Se basant sur l’effet de fixation symbiotique de l’azote par les différentes légumineuses dans le système de culture. Cas de Thephrosia vogelii et le sesbania macrantha dans une culture en association avec le quinquina, il s’est avéré que l’association du sesbania parait plus rentable économiquement et écologiquement par rapport au tephrosia et constitue une forte barrière a la contamination du quinquina vis-à-vis du champignon parasite, ce qui n’en est pas le cas pour le tephrosia.
The images or social representations of current high school students are connected with the information they receive from their teachers at school, then to know the meanings of their conceptions, can help to improve the practice of Didactic in the process of teaching-learning. The aim of this research was to interpret the significations of teaching in Mexican high school students on a Chemistry course with the Theory and technique of Natural Semantic Networks (NSN). The method used for the study was research-action with a critical interpretative focus, the design of the research was cross-sectional. The population of this study was formed by 79 students officially enrolled into the UCEM (Precollege Institute of the Center of Mexico) educational system. Results have shown that students represent teaching with the meanings of: learning (semantic weight= 194) and teacher (172), despite of these meanings, it exists other words inside the SAM (Semantic Association Memory) group like values (32) and livres (161). In conclusion of this research it can be said that current social images are built with the categories of learning like a process included on teaching and professor like actor of the educational phenomenon.
To overcome the problem of access to energy in Benin, some researches have been carried out on the production of energy from cashew shells. Thus, two pyrolysis plants on the basis of a reactor designed by CEFREPADE and RONGEAD have been constructed in Benin. Those reactors have been used in Benin for energy recovery from cashew nut shells. Although the pyrolysis products reduce the waste deposit and provide the energy needed for combustion, the exploitation of biochars remains incomplete: they are bulky and difficult to transport because of their low density. To help operators to better manage and facilitate the transport of biocharbons, new research was conducted to densify these biochars. A manual lever press with at lower pressure of 1.80 bar has been developed. Analysis of physical and mechanical properties showed that degree of densification, impact resistance of briquettes and resistance to water penetration were respectively 81%, 90% and 0.94. Also, the effect pressure on density of briquettes and the influence of the drying time on the masses of briquettes were determined. The high rate of densification make that the biocharbons of cashew shells were less bulky and more portable.
The objective of this work was to determine and model kinetic drying of leaves of Capparis Spinosa. Leaves were dehydratated in an oven until constant mass. The applied temperatures were 40°C, 50°C and 60°C. The results show that drying curves of leaves of Capparis Spinosa do not present a constant period. The effctive diffusivity of leaves of Capparis Spinosa varied between 1,09×10-11 and 1,82×10-11 m2/s in the rage of 40°C to 60°C. Curve expert software was used to find the best model for evaluating the rate of change of moisture change. Among the tested models, Logarithmic and Page models fitted the best the experimental results.
In an era of global warming caused by the intensive and dangerous human activity, the alarm is pulled to open the concerned parties on the necessity to quickly face the arising challenges. Thus, the corporate social responsibility has become a must do fact.
This paper seeks to study Corporate Social Responsibility regarding large companies situated in Tangier (Morocco) and its region.
In fact, being in front of such largely negative statement, corporate social responsibility is still brought up at the level of corporate behavior and practice. Stakeholders are called to more awareness, to joint responsibility and civic duty.
Our reflection will look at the corporate social responsibility practice situation in large companies of Tangier. It will try to clarify the issues and interests that converge in this practice, to underline good and bad practices, to highlight the limiting factors and to conclude with suggestions for improvement.
Acute poisoning in Algeria is poorly evaluated as proved by the few publications in this field. To better understand this issue, we have carried out a retrospective study in the region of Setif (East-Algeria), over a period of 5 years and 03 months, from January 2010 to March 2016. This study objective was to determine the number and the types of cases of poisonings treated their distribution by gender and age of patients, and the type of toxic agents involved and intentionality. During the study period, 5293 cases of acute poisoning were reviewed in the emergency department of the University Hospital of Setif, with an age ranging from 02 days to 100 years. The high incidence was recorded at the age of 16 to 25, with 1 740 cases or 32.87%. The female patients predominated with a percentage of 55% or 2910 cases of poisoning. The frequencies of the highest poisoning were recorded in urban and peri-urban areas with 4106 or 78.52%. The drug intoxication recorded the highest number of reports in the region, with 2275 patients, 42, 64 %, followed by 1689 cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, or 31.91%, and 677 cases of poisoning caustics, or 12.8%, respectively. To reduce the incidence of accidental acute poisoning and volunteers, prevention and improvement of socio-economic conditions remain the treatment of choice.
Our study is focused on the characterization of Chamaerops formations in the western of Algeria. It is based on a phytoecological approach. For this, we realized this work who aims primarily to inventory the species of Chamaeropaies in the mounts of Tlemcen, and classifying the species in biogeographic type and characterize their belonging biologic. Four representative stations of Chamaeropaies were selected. 120 floristic surveys were conducted using a minimum area of 100 m2. The survey of level different floristic performed according to the method of Braun Blanquet shows a rich vegetation of the study area with 248 species distributed in 38 families. On the biological plan 59% on average species are therophytes followed by chamaephytes with 21,75%, the hemicryptophytes is less represented with 10,25 %. Geophytes and phanerophytes remain most weakly represented with respectively 6,5% et 2,25%. On the biogeographical plan 35% of taxed, are of mediterranean origin, 8 % are West-Mediterranean, Paleo-Tempered and Circum- Mediterranean(5%), Eurasian, and European-Mediterranean are represented by 3 % for each. Globally the zone of study tends towards a therophytisation.
La tuberculose génitale pseudo tumorale est une maladie infectieuse curable. Son tableau clinique est souvent trompeur simulant une tumeur ovarienne ou tubaire. La tuberculose génitale se situe au Maroc à la cinquième place après la tuberculose pulmonaire, ganglionnaire, ostéo-articulaire et digestive ; Sa localisation pelvienne représente 6 à 10% dominée par l´atteinte tubaire, puis cervicale et endométriale. La forme tumorale représente 15% de l´ensemble des localisations pelviennes de la tuberculose.
Nous présentons l’observation d’une patiente de 34 ans sans antécédents pathologique notables. Elle a consulté pour des douleurs pelviennes. L’échographie et la TDM pelviennes ont objectivé une tumeur tubaire droite. Une coelioscopie a été réalisée, mettant une évidence une tumeur tubaire droite et une trompe gauche boudinée. La patiente a bénéficié d’une salpingectomie bilatérale. L'étude histologique a montré la présence de lésions granulomateuses avec nécrose caséeuse. Le traitement par les antibacillaires a été instauré selon le protocole 2ERHZ/ 4RH.
La tuberculose pelvienne pseudo tumorale est l'apanage de la femme jeune. Le diagnostic est posé par l’étude histologique des prélèvements biopsiques ou des pièces de salpingectomies obtenue lors de l’exploration chirurgicale. Son pronostic est lié à l'infertilité séquellaire.
In the Touch catchment (South-West of France), samples of sediment and water were collected to evaluate the mobility and bioavailability of some potentially toxic elements (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Pb and Cd) for ecosystems. In addition to these trace elements, certain compounds of the dissolved phase (pH, major ions, and dissolved organic carbon) were also studied. The results show two groups of trace elements in the Touch aquatic environment. We distinguish the elements associated with more than 50% in the residual phase (Cr, Zn, Ni and Cu) and those whose non residual fractions are dominant more than 60% (As, Cd, Co and Pb). In the non-residual phases, the trace elements have a significant association with the iron oxides, with the exception of Cd which is controlled to about 50% by the carbonate phases. The first two phases of the sequential extraction (water soluble and exchangeable) are insignificant in the pollutants controlling. Arsenic despite its very high proportion of non-residual phase (about 90%) is relatively less mobile than certain elements such as Cd, Co and Pb that have non residual proportions less important. Trace elements more stable in relation to physico-chemical conditions prevailing in the Touch aquatic environments are Cr, Zn and As, and most mobile are Cd, Co and Pb. The availability of these elements is particularly sensitive to the Physico–chimical conditions of this environment. Their presence in solution increases with the concentrations of inorganic ligands such as chlorides and organic ligands (DOC), while it decreases with increasing pH and alkalinity (in particular Cd and Pb because of their relative abundance in the carbonate phases).
This article focuses on adaptation and revival strategies of an agricultural cooperative (CAPLAME) in West Cameroon following the coffee crisis and their impacts on its performances. The study is based on survey using questionnaires with 74 producers and 12 employees. Our results show that, the strategies set up include: diversification of incomes sources and the signature of convention with government. These strategies are insufficient and inadequate for a revival though they permit a reduction of the cooperative financial deficit. Likewise, they have not improved its social performances and within the coffee sector. CAPLAME has to rethink its identity and activities. She has also to rethink its relationship with members and set up new strategies in order to impulse a positive dynamics at the level of its performances.
The study aimed to know the psychological needs of displacement students of west Darfur state and its relation with school achievement. The researcher used the analytical and descriptive method, the community of study formed from displacement students of basic school who are staying at Algenana camps. Random and order sample was selected about (480) students (260) males and (220) females during school years 2013-2014. Tool of study represented as follow: measurement of personal preference that acted the psychological needs prepared by Ibrahim Elkenani and siham saeed, and Measure school achievement by exams marks.The statistic package for social sciences was used to analysis the date by the following statistic equalities Mean, Standard Division, Correlation Confidence. The study result: there is negative correlation between psychological needs and school achievement, The recommendations were as follow: Social worker and psychologist must be working in displacements schools, a well satisfy for psychological needs for displacements students must be taken, Very important to support teacher and worker at displacement students by training and education leaflets which help and guide carrying out of strategy to displacement education.
This study involved the use of polypropylene packaging for the conservation of plantain. Two plantain cultivars French and Horn harvested at 70 and 75 days after inflorescence were stored at 25 °C in polypropylene packaging of 0.235 and 0.303 mm thick. The green life, color of skin, firmness and soluble solids were determined. The results showed that the bananas stored in the polypropylene packaging containers had a significantly the green life longer than the unpackaged bananas. The green life witnesses (unpackaged fruits) was 4 to 6 days for the Horn variety and 5-8 days for the French variety, respectively 70 and 75 days. In packaged fruit, the green life of the French was 14 to 15 days and 18 to 20 days respectively in packages of 0.235 and 0.303 mm thick. Horn variety gave green life 13 to 14 days and 17 to 18 days respectively with the packaging of 0.235 and 0.303 mm thick. The green life of the French variety is significantly higher than that of the Horn variety. Fruits packed in polypropylene bags remained green longer, firmer and slowly accumulated soluble sugars that non-packaged fruit. Generally, these characteristics have evolved significantly in control from the 7th day of storage, and in samples packed in polypropylene bags of 0.235 and 0.303 mm thickness from the 14th and 20th day respectively.
Surface modification of wool/nylon blended fabric was carried out with protease enzyme to improve their dyeabilities to natural dyes. Cutch (Acacia Catechu) was selected and used in this study. The effect of enzyme concentration on the dye uptake (K/S) was studied at fixed treatment conditions: pH, temperature and treatment time.
The obtained results of K/S were compared to the corresponding values obtained for the control samples which were dyed without enzymatic pretreatment. Treatment with protease was found to increase the absorption capacity of both wool and nylon fibers to the natural dye leading to higher K/S compared to untreated samples.
The dyeing parameters were also studied including, dyeing pH, temperature, time and mordant concentration along with concentration of dispersing agent. The colour strength was observed to increase by increasing the pH of dye bath, temperature and concentration of dispersing agent, which may be attributed to increasing dye solubility and as a result the rate of diffusion and penetration of the dye inside the fibers of both nylon and wool.
Fastness properties to washing, perspiration and light were also assessed and were observed to range between good and excellent.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of emotional intelligence, dispositional optimism and emotional exhaustion on the psychological well-being of police officers in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Two hundred and seventy- six officers constituted the study’s sample. Both the independent and the dependent variables were measured with relevant standardized instruments. Three research questions were answered in the study. The results showed that the independent variables both jointly and relatively contributed significantly to the prediction of psychological wellbeing of the police officers On the strength of these findings, it was recommended that factors such as working overtime, inadequate and delay in salary, obsolete equipment, lack and delay in promotion, staff shortages, in-fighting among senior officers for promotion/ posting, inadequate basic and continuous training of police personnel, which could lead to increase in emotional exhaustion, decrease in dispositional optimism and poor emotional intelligence skills, should be targets for intervention for the police administrators.
Chlorophyll in the leaves is one of the main components of photosynthesis. We studied the fluorescence chloroplast papaya leaves using solvents such as acetone and ethanol (95o) of various concentrations at room temperature. Chlorophyll fluorescence is a useful technique in plant physiology. Fluorescence spectra of chloroplasts in solvents with various concentrations and under different excitation wavelengths (365 nm, 390 nm and blue) were investigated. Chlorophyll fluorescence is characterized by two peaks, one in the red, near 690 nm, and the other in the far red, near 740 nm. The fluorescence spectra measurements were taken using a spectrofluorimeter. Our results show that complex chlorophyll carriers are dissociated for high concentrations. Our results also show the evolution of peak positions with the solvent strength due to partial separations of complex chloroplasts.