International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies
ISSN: 2028-9324     CODEN: IJIABO     OCLC Number: 828807274     ZDB-ID: 2703985-7
Thursday 24 October 2024






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Volume 30, Issue 2, Aug. 2020


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Investigating the Influence of Workplace Promotion on Employees’ Performance in Zanzibar Public Sectors
Author(s): Adilu Mussa Salim
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In-service Trainings and Desired Performance of Academic Staffs in Higher Learning Institutions: Challenging Strategic Human Resource Development Perspective
Author(s): Adilu Mussa Salim
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Exploring Customers’ Perception on Adoption and Use of Electronic Banking Services in Tanzania Commercial Banks
Author(s): Adilu Mussa Salim
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Teaching in Congo, a springboard or a career for young people: Survey conducted among students of the Higher Pedagogical Institute of Kindu
[ L’enseignement au Congo, un tremplin ou une carrière chez les jeunes: Enquête menée auprès des étudiants de l’Institut Supérieur Pédagogique de Kindu ]

Author(s): Pascal Kugana Ndasi
RD Congo
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Effects of direct polar conjugation on the nitrogen group in N-methoxycarbonyl- (oxy) -pyridinium salts
[ Effets de conjugaison polaire directe sur le groupe azoté dans les sels N-méthoxycarbonyl- (oxy) -pyridiniums ]

Author(s): AGBODAN Kokou Agbékonyi, Simalou Oudjaniyobi, TCHANI Gneiny Whad, and Jondo Koffi
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Pedagogical and didactic reflexion on the teaching/learning of an introductory database course
[ Réflexion pédagogique et didactique sur l’enseignement/apprentissage d’un cours d’introduction aux bases de données ]

Author(s): Lynda Farza
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Impact of Cashless Policy on Financial Inclusion in Nigeria
Author(s): Clifford Chilasa Agbaeze
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The impact of imports on inflation in the Democratic Republic of Congo from 1980 to 2016 : Using a co-integration approach based on Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
[ Les incidences des importations sur l’inflation en RD Congo de 1980 à 2016 : Une approche de co-intégration basée sur le Modèle Vectoriel à Correction d’Erreur (VECM) ]

Author(s): Jean Paul LISELE SHUWA and Piva Asaloko Prince
RD Congo
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The Microbiological Quality of Commercialized Food Products in Northwest of Morocco
Author(s): Insaf Ghailani, Adnane Louajri, Asmae Zawjal, El Ouardy Khay, and Said Barrijal
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Interstitial pregnancy - diagnosis and medical treatment: About a case
[ Grossesse interstitielle - diagnostic et traitement médical: A propos d’un cas ]

Author(s): Hanane Ouhame, Fatima E Hassouni, Fatima Zahra Belkouchi, Samir Bargach, and Mounia Yousfi
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Application of statistical methods to the hydrogeochemical study of groundwater in the Beni Hassan Dorsal (Northern Rif, Morocco)
[ Application des méthodes statistiques à l’étude hydrogéochimique des eaux souterraines de la Dorsale de Beni Hassan (Rif septentrional, Maroc) ]

Author(s): Redouan Alilouch, Karim El Morabiti, Abdel Aziz El Mrihi, and Mahamat Ouchar Al-Djazouli
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The effect of the organic fertilizing (dung of goat and manure of cow) on the growth: The development and the yield of banana in station of Mulungu
[ L’effet des fertilisants organiques (crottin de chèvre et fumier de vache) sur la croissance: Le développement et le rendement de bananiers en station de Mulungu ]

Author(s): Shabani Salumembe, Dambo Shungu, Kashema Balola, Musimwa Kashamuka, Mundundu Kasanziki, Nzama Djaimbu, Mafutala Ndjadi, Kalome Kabaseko, Bulambo Kilongo, and Takubusoga Wakilongo
RD Congo
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Hydro-agricultural fitting out and spatio-temporal dynamics of land use units in the Tapoa watershed, Burkina Faso
[ Aménagement hydro-agricole et dynamique spatio-temporel des unités d’occupation des terres dans le bassin versant de Tapoa, Burkina Faso ]

Author(s): Samuel Yonkeu, Belem Mamounata, and Malkouma Hassane Dabiemo
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Petro-sedimentary characterization and geotechnical study of the Attiekoi subsurface formations (South-East of the Ivorian basin)
[ Caractérisation pétro-sédimentaire et étude géotechnique des formations de subsurface d’Attiékoi (Sud-est du bassin Ivoirien) ]

Author(s): Akoua Clarisse Kra, Fori Yao Paul Assale, Assié Aristide Kouao, Boliguibia Ouattara, and Souleymane Soro
Côte d’Ivoire
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Heavy metals impacted soils from dumped municipal solid waste in Buterere - Burundi: Health risk assessment
Author(s): Norbert Manirakiza, Théophile Ndikumana, and C. Gisèle Jung
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Test of Soybeans (Glycine max) substitution by Cowpea seeds (Vigna unguiculata) in the diet of broilers in Kabinda: Influence on zootechnical performances
[ Etude de la substitution de soja (Glycine max) par le niébé (Vigna unguiculata) dans l’alimentation des poulets de chair à Kabinda: Influence sur les performances zootechniques ]

Author(s): Masanga Kishiko Gustave, Ngoyi Nsomue Adolphe, Kandolo Lumami Albert, Ngoyi Kasongo Chadrick, Ngoyi Kasongo François, Ngoyi Musaya, Muanyine Ebondo Crispin, Ndjibu Nsapu Laurent, and Yashima Yangoy Alphonse
RD Congo
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The effect of using information and communication technology in improving the teaching and learning of life sciences lesson
[ أثر استعمال تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في تجويد تعليم وتعلم درس علوم الحياة ]

Author(s): Abdelkhalek Touahar
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The clinical effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in the management of temporomandibular disorders: Systematic review of the literature
[ L’efficacité clinique de la thérapie cognitivo-comportementale dans la gestion des troubles temporo-mandibulaires : Revue systématique de la littérature ]

Author(s): B. Mbarki, Imane Boujoual, B. Ouallal, and Abderrahman Andoh
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Nutritional value and microbiological quality of potential complementary foods formulated from the combination of fonio, soybean and mango flours
Author(s): Agnan Marie-Michel Combo, Kra Athanase Kouassi, Koffi Pierre Valery Niaba, Kouassi Clément Kouassi, Ahou Diane Edwige Konan, Adomon Jean-martial Gérard Ado, and Grah Avit Maxwell Beugré
Côte d’Ivoire
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Interpretation of geophysical data and contribution to improving the knowledge of an oil and gas lead from the Congo Basin: Case of lead A in block 7 of the Cuvette Centrale basin in DR Congo
Author(s): Eli-Achille Manwana Mfumukani, Joseph Pilipili Mawezi, Raïs Seki Lenzo, Lievens Masengo Mishindo, Hugues Makima Moyikula, Rally Kimpese Talong, Grady Kalonji Lelo, and Alidor Kazadi Mutambayi
RD Congo
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The Influence of Cultural Values and Social Responsible Consumer Behavior: A Case Study of Moroccans Consumers
Author(s): Salwa Mkik and Maroune Mkik
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Household Food Consumption Profile of Maize Farmers in Rural Areas: Burkina Faso’s Hauts-Bassins Region Case
Author(s): Michel Kéré, Vinsoun Millogo, Benjamin Schwab, Hodjio Massandjo, Albert Barro, Timothy Harrigan, Alex Winter-Nelson, Robert Burdick, Georges Anicet Ouedraogo, and Ajit Srivastava
Burkina Faso
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Apport des activités physiques sur les symptômes physiologiques des femmes ménopausées de Kinshasa
Author(s): Melchade Tau Atiani
RD Congo
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